AoC day 11 is the day of the cellular automaton.
This post is mostly literate Haskell, except I have no idea what I’m doing.1 So… let’s see how this goes!
As is customary, here’s five pages of language extensions and imports that you may freely skip over. I simply haven’t found the proper way to conceal them yet. Not that I’ve tried too hard. Yet.
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Array
import Data.Function
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.STRef
import Linear.V2
Ok, we’re on!
The summarized topic of the day is to take a snapshot of a cellular automaton after it converges. The automaton ruleset is the same between both parts; what changes is the topology.
Let’s start by converting the input format to something tangible. I’ll simply represent the input as a two-dimensional array of booleans, telling me whether there’s a seat there. Array dimensions are taken from the number of input lines and the width of the first one. I won’t do any involved error detection as the input is unique and most likely correct.
type Pos = V2 Int
type SeatMap = Array Pos Bool
-- | Safe seat map indexing.
isSeat :: SeatMap -> Pos -> Bool
| inRange (bounds seatMap) pos = seatMap ! pos
isSeat seatMap pos | otherwise = False
parse :: String -> SeatMap
lines -> input) = listArray (V2 1 1,V2 h w) (map readSeat (concat input))
parse (where w = length (head input)
= length input
h '.' = False
readSeat 'L' = True readSeat
I want iteration to be fast, as there are going to be multiple of
them. So I’ll represent the environment as a mesh of
s, with nodes mapping to seats. Each node will hold
the following information:
- an occupied flag. It will change from a generation to the next, so I’ll make it a reference.
- links to the other seats involved in its update. The information I
need is the number of occupied ones. So I can afford to skip the
neighboring nodes and link directly to the
s within.
data Node s = Node { nodeRef :: STRef s Bool
nodeNeighborRefs :: [STRef s Bool] } ,
With this node type, my environment state is simply a collection of them. A collection that doesn’t really need any structure at all, so I’ll just use a list by default.
type Env s = [Node s]
With this set up, I’m ready to write the generation iteration.
This specific cellular automaton doesn’t distinguish among neighbors, so all I need to make available to the rule function is the number of active neighbors.
type Rule = Bool -> Int -> Bool
On this year’s automaton, I expect the stabilization to manifest as an absence of change from a generation to the next. An easy way to make that apparent in our “mutable reference mesh” model is to split the traditional update in two steps:
- serialize the changes that occur in this generation
- carry them out
This allows me to peek in-between and verify whether or not there are actually any changes remaining. It has the added advantage of not touching the rule’s input generation before all of the changes have been computed, which avoids that class of bug. (The counterpoint is the short-term memory consumed by the change log.)
type Change s = ST s ()
scanChanges :: Rule -> Env s -> ST s [Change s]
= mapMaybeM scanNode
scanChanges f where scanNode Node {..} = do
<- readSTRef nodeRef
cur <- length <$> filterM readSTRef nodeNeighborRefs
n let new = f cur n
pure (writeSTRef nodeRef new <$ guard (new /= cur))
applyChanges :: [Change s] -> ST s ()
= sequence_ applyChanges
I still need an actual rule to be able to run this. Let’s write one for both parts 1 and 2.
data Flavor = Part1 | Part2
rule :: Flavor -> Rule
False 0 = True
rule _ True n | Part1 <- f, n >= 4 = False
rule f | Part2 <- f, n >= 5 = False
= occupied rule _ occupied _
Oh. There’s one thing I forgot. To run all of this, I also need a starting environment. That’s where we will observe most of the difference between parts 1 and 2.
When I first solved the problem, I deliberately didn’t use any smart, let alone sane datastructure to do so. I used the much-maligned lazy character list-based Haskell I/O as is, resulting in worse-than-suboptimal, quadratic algorithms. I didn’t care because the input size is small, and this is only be performed once anyway.2
It’s kind of trivial to port it to arrays and not publish crazy bad code on the interwebz, so I’ll spare your eyes and improve performance in one stone.
The structural difference between parts 1 and 2 is which
cells seats qualify as neighbors when computing the rule. In
part 1, the seat neighbors are those of the 8 neighboring places that
have a seat on then. In part 2, the neighbors are the first seat
encountered when radiating from the seat at hand in the 8 cardinal
directions, up to one per direction.
-- I'm too lazy to define a “Dir” type to be mostly the same thing.
cardinals :: [Pos]
= filter (/= 0) $ range (V2 (-1) (-1),V2 1 1)
neighbors :: Flavor -> SeatMap -> Pos -> [Pos]
Part1 sm p = filter (isSeat sm) (map (p +) cardinals)
neighbors Part2 sm p = concatMap (firstSeat . trim . ray) cardinals
neighbors where ray dir = map (\i -> p + fromIntegral i * dir) [1 :: Int ..]
= takeWhile (inRange (bounds sm))
trim = take 1 . filter (sm !) firstSeat
To construct our mesh, I’ll tie the knot over an internal/temporary
map from position to STRef
. My live solution actually used
RecursiveDo extension, but this doesn’t really win anything
meaningful, so I’ll keep it simple here for further readability.
environment :: (Pos -> [Pos]) -> [Pos] -> ST s (Env s)
= do
environment nbs seatPoss <- Map.fromList <$> mapM (\p -> (p,) <$> newSTRef False) seatPoss
pos2ref pure $
map ( \(pos,nodeRef) ->
let nodeNeighborRefs = map (pos2ref Map.!) (nbs pos)
in Node{..} )
(Map.assocs pos2ref)
Now, what did the puzzle request as an output? The number of occupied seats. That’s rather straightforward to compute.
hash :: Env s -> ST s Int
= fmap length . filterM (\Node{nodeRef} -> readSTRef nodeRef) hash
And I can now package the complete chain!
solve :: Flavor -> SeatMap -> Int
= runST $ do
solve flavor seatMap
-- list of seat positions
let seatPoss = filter (seatMap !) (indices seatMap)
-- the two parameters: neighboring rule and threshold
let nbs = neighbors flavor seatMap
= rule flavor
<- environment nbs seatPoss
env $ \loop -> do
fix >>= \case
scanChanges (rule flavor) env -> hash env
[] -> applyChanges changes *> loop changes
The rest is just boilerplate…
main :: IO ()
= do
main <- parse <$> readFile ""
seatMap print $ solve Part1 seatMap
print $ solve Part2 seatMap
…and a small helper.
mapMaybeM :: Applicative m => (a -> m (Maybe b)) -> [a] -> m [b]
= fmap catMaybes . traverse f mapMaybeM f
To summarize: I took a bottom-up approach, building up my cellular
automaton environment as a mesh of STRef
s, over which I
computed and serialized a list of changes per generation.
This concludes this day’s solution. I hope you learned something along the way!