AoC day 12: Rain Risk

advent of code aoc2020 haskell

Today’s puzzle is one of those typical “same instructions, differing interpretations” problems AoC is so good at. This post is a literate Haskell program, let’s get the imports out of the way.

import Data.Complex
import Data.List

Parsing is dead easy. Assuming line-based instructions, I just pass the first character as-is and convert the number to a Double.

parseInstruction :: String -> (Char,Double)
parseInstruction (i:n) = (i,read n)

Why a double? I’m going to use Complex numbers, and in Haskell they only have a useful Num instance if the underlying type implements RealFloat. So Double it is, even if the coordinates are only expected to take integer values.

type C = Complex Double

In part 1, NESW mean to move the ship by the specified distance, whereas the LRF series implement “turtle graphics”. So my step function maintains the ship’s position and direction.

go1 :: (C,C) -> (Char,Double) -> (C,C)
go1 (pos,hdg) (i,n) = case i of
    'N' -> (pos + (0 :+ n)    ,hdg)
    'S' -> (pos - (0 :+ n)    ,hdg)
    'W' -> (pos - (n :+ 0)    ,hdg)
    'E' -> (pos + (n :+ 0)    ,hdg)
    'F' -> (pos + (n :+ 0)*hdg,hdg)
    'L' -> (pos               ,hdg * (0 :+   1 )^a)
    'R' -> (pos               ,hdg * (0 :+ (-1))^a)
  where a | round n `mod` 90 == 0 = round n `div` 90

In part 2, a “waypoint” is introduced. Its use looks more like like a speed vector than a navigational waypoint, but let’s play along. Here the only way to move is the F instruction; NESW adjust the vector by addition, LR by rotation.

go2 :: (C,C) -> (Char,Double) -> (C,C)
go2 (pos,wpt) (i,n) = case i of
    'N' -> (pos               ,wpt + (0 :+ n))
    'S' -> (pos               ,wpt - (0 :+ n))
    'W' -> (pos               ,wpt - (n :+ 0))
    'E' -> (pos               ,wpt + (n :+ 0))
    'L' -> (pos               ,wpt * (0 :+   1 )^a)
    'R' -> (pos               ,wpt * (0 :+ (-1))^a)
    'F' -> (pos + (n :+ 0)*wpt,wpt)
  where a | round n `mod` 90 == 0 = round n `div` 90

All that’s left is to fold the instructions, pairing the appropriate go function with its starting vector.

main :: IO ()
main = do
  instrs <- map parseInstruction . lines <$> readFile ""
  let (destination1,_) = foldl' go1 (0 :+ 0, 1 :+ 0) instrs
  print $ round (dist destination1)
  let (destination2,_) = foldl' go2 (0 :+ 0,10 :+ 1) instrs
  print $ round (dist destination2)

And measuring the distance to the origin by Manhattan distance, because for some reason that’s what makes sense during a storm.

dist :: C -> Double
dist (x :+ y) = abs x + abs y

This concludes today’s solution. See you soon!