AoC day 15: Rambunctious Recitation

advent of code aoc2020 haskell

Day 15 part 1 presents us with a classic “implementation” problem. We are to generate an integer sequence, with a starting (multiple-number) seed, and a simple rule to define the next integer: it’s the distance between the two previous occurences of the last number.

As such, it doesn’t ring a bell just yet1, but the definition is clear enough. And I only need to compute 2020 terms, so there’s not much to worry about: a straightforward implementation is a valid way of proceeding for now.

AoC is in the morning for me, so the coffee hasn’t really kicked in yet. I don’t have the perfect data representation that springs to mind by reflex. Not to worry, I can use top-down compile-error-message-driven design.

Let’s write a simple transcription of the game logic using do-notation:

game starter = do
  forM_ starter play
  forever $ do
    lastNumberAge >>= \case
      Nothing  -> play 0
      Just age -> play age

It complains about LambdaCase not being active and forM_ not being defined. That’s easy enough to fix.

{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
import Control.Monad

The remaining errors are:

Variable not in scope: play :: Int -> m b0
Variable not in scope: lastNumberAge :: m (Maybe t0)

Let’s start with the latter. How would I extract the previous number’s age? Let’s start simple.

import Control.Monad.State.Class
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as Map

lastNumberAge = do
  n <- gets stLastNum
  Map.lookup n <$> gets stAge

Ok, that was a cop out. It seems reasonable enough to maintain some state that remembers the last number played as stLastNum. It seems a bit less reasonable to remember every number’s age as the game goes, since I’d have to update it all the time. Better keep track of time instead, and infer the age.

lastNumberAge = do
  n <- gets stLastNum
  cur <- gets stTurn
  fmap (cur -) . Map.lookup n <$> gets stTurnPlayed
Variable not in scope: play :: Int -> m b0
Variable not in scope: stLastNum :: s0 -> Map.Key
Variable not in scope: stTurn :: s0 -> b
Variable not in scope: stTurnPlayed :: s0 -> Map.IntMap b

We’re getting a better understanding of the state’s shape.

Let’s continue with play. A reasonable way to “say” a number would be to simply output it to a Writer monad instance. The interesting part is how to maintain the state as it goes.

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts,NamedFieldPuns #-}
import Control.Monad.Writer.Class

play n = do
  St{stTurn,stTurnPlayed} <- get
  put St { stTurn = stTurn + 1
         , stLastNum = n
         , stTurnPlayed = Map.insert n stTurn stTurnPlayed
  tell [n]

That looks like it could work! What I’m missing now is actually defining the St structure with the fields listed in the error message.

data St = St { stTurn       :: !Int
             , stLastNum    :: Int
             , stTurnPlayed :: !(Map.IntMap Int)
st0 :: St
st0 = St { stTurn       = 0
         , stLastNum    = error "No last number at game start!"
         , stTurnPlayed = Map.empty

All of the “variable not in scope” errors are gone. All that remains are complaints about the type being ambiguous. This can be addressed by defining a wrapper to run the game as a pure function.

import Control.Monad.RWS.Lazy

runGame :: [Int] -> [Int]
runGame starter = snd $ evalRWS (game starter) () st0

Let’s try it on the example!

λ> runGame [0,3,6] !! 2019

Something’s wrong. The expected answer is 436!2 What did I miss? Let’s trace the actual first few values.

λ> take 10 $ runGame [0,3,6]

The first three numbers are correct. Whew! But then it seems like I’m not only failing to output the correct next number, namely 0, but additionally the logic is getting stuck in a loop.

The reason for this is actually quite simple if you trace the algorithm. When the third and final starter number, namely 6, is played, it is added to the history map as having been played at turn 3. But when I request its age using the lastNumberAge function, it will compute the age difference between the turn being computed, namely 4, and the turn I just stored in the map, resulting in 1.

The next number computed makes the exact same mistake, hence the loop. Oops!

So the root cause is that with the current algorithm, I never have the last number played’s previous two dates available at the same time. So I can’t compute a valid difference. To correct this, I’ll shift the computation of the last number’s age to when I still know its previous date.

So I’ll replace the stLastNum state field with stLastNumAge, and move the computation to the play function.

st0 :: St
st0 = St { stTurn       = 0
         , stLastNumAge = error "No last number at game start!"
         , stTurnPlayed = Map.empty

play n = do
  St{stTurn,stTurnPlayed} <- get
  put St { stTurn       = stTurn + 1
         , stLastNumAge = (stTurn -) <$> Map.findWithDefault stTurn n stTurnPlayed
         , stTurnPlayed = Map.insert n stTurn stTurnPlayed
  tell [n]

lastNumberAge = gets stLastNumAge
λ> take 10 $ runGame [0,3,6]

Much better. I ran it with my puzzle input, got my gold star and unlocked part 2.

Part 2 was about doing the same thing 30 million times. Well, it’s not that big a number, especially for offline processing. My code is already O(NlogN),3 there’s not too much point optimizing it before I at least get an estimate of how long it will take.

As it turned out, it needed less than 45 seconds to compute when compiled. Less than two minutes interpreted.4 So really not worth the engineering time to reduce to linear or better. Maybe some other time.

This concludes day 15’s solution. Here’s the full code, with the additional simplifications of:

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
import           Control.Monad.RWS.Lazy
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as Map
import           Data.Void

game :: [Int] -> RWS () [Int] St Void
game starter = do
  forM_ starter play
   -- That next 0 is only valid if the last
   -- starter number is unique.  Mine is.
  fix (play >=>) 0

data St = St { stTurn       :: !Int
             , stTurnPlayed :: !(Map.IntMap Int)
st0 :: St
st0 = St { stTurn = 0, stTurnPlayed = Map.empty }

runGame :: [Int] -> [Int]
runGame starter = snd $ evalRWS (game starter) () st0

play :: Int -> RWS () [Int] St Int
play n = do
  St{stTurn,stTurnPlayed} <- get
  put St { stTurn       = stTurn + 1
         , stTurnPlayed = Map.insert n stTurn stTurnPlayed
  tell [n]
  pure $ stTurn - Map.findWithDefault stTurn n stTurnPlayed

main :: IO ()
main = do
  starter <- read . (\s -> "["++s++"]") <$> getContents
  print $ runGame starter !! 2019
  print $ runGame starter !! 29999999

  1. But I’ll be sure to check out the subreddit once I’m done. So it’s a Van Eck’s sequence. I’d already implemented them, but it apparently hasn’t left that much of an impression that I’d remember them on sight.↩︎

  2. I’m sorry. The expected answer is actually 436.↩︎

  3. This is probably false. But not so blatantly. I’m using the lazy writer monad on [Int], which likely incurs some concatenation penalty. But then again not that much considering the use site. I’ve run it using a DList instead and it took the same time.↩︎

  4. I expected more difference. I’ll have to measure it more reliably.↩︎

  5. And I don’t feel type-dirty for doing it.↩︎