AoC Day 1: Sonar Sweep

advent of code aoc2021 haskell

Advent of Code is back for a new season! For its first day, “Sonar Sweep”, we’re sweeping the ocean floor with our elven submarine’s sonar, surveying zones of positive slope.

Seems like a perfect case to have fun with Haskell’s point-free notation. Let’s first have a few imports to clear the floor for a literate Haskell post.

import Control.Arrow
import Data.List

Given two lists as and bs, we can easily compute the difference between them by zipping:

\as bs -> zipWith (-) bs as

Now in this case, the two lists we want to compare are related: one is simply the tail of the other.

\as -> zipWith (-) (tail as) as

Notice how that as identifier is now repeated, which is another word for ugly1. But how could we simplify it out?

The hack2 is to make use of the Prelude’s provided default Monad instance for function application. Its specialized signature would look as such:

class Monad m where
  (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

-- substituting ((->) x) for m:
instance Monad ((->) x) where
  (>>=) :: (x -> a) -> (a -> (x -> b)) -> (x -> b)

This is made to look more complicated than it is by the mixing of prefix and infix notations for the (->) type operator, but we can ask GHCi for an expanded signature to clarify:

λ> :t (>>=) @((->) [Int])
(>>=) @((->) [Int])
  :: ([Int] -> a) -> (a -> [Int] -> b) -> [Int] -> b

Now to keep things simple, a and b are going to be [Int] as well, yielding:

(>>=) :: ([Int] -> [Int]) -> ([Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]) -> [Int] -> [Int]

The two [Int]s at the end are the function we’re trying to get: the one that takes a stream of integers as an input and returns the pairwise differences as an output. It’s going to be constructed from two arguments: the left one that’s the conversion from the base list to the derived one, in our case tail, and the right one that’s the combination function, in our case zipWith (-).

Sure enough:

tail >>= zipWith (-) :: [Int] -> [Int]

We can then plug it into an interactive-mode pipeline and get the expected result back:

main = interact $ show . length . filter (> 0) . (zipWith (-) =<< tail) . map read . lines

I used the =<< flipped version of the operator to keep the flows going in the same direction overall, it’s confusing enough as is.

Now for part 2, we still have to perform the filtering and counting, but this time on a sliding window of 3 consecutive depth measurements. A perfect opportunity for more flow programming!

Now there exists a zipWith3 function that would take three lists, possibly related, and perform some requested actions. Unfortunately, there isn’t a three-way sum function to plug it in without requiring abusive point-freeness.

What keeps things simple, on the other hand, is to go directly for summing over a generic list, that will just happen to always have length three. We can pipe components as such:

part1 = length . filter (> 0) . (zipWith (-) =<< tail)

part2 =
  tails      >>>  -- the list of tails of the input
  take 3     >>>  -- restricted to the first three
  transpose  >>>  -- 3 lists of depths -> list of [3 depths]
  map sum    >>>  -- sum per window
  part1           -- and count as before

This is fine, and apart from the chosen piping direction, is how I got my second star.

But wait! If I forget my answers and want to solve both parts again, I have part1 mentioned twice in my code! This can’t do!

Let’s first isolate the computation of part 2 proper:

part2proper = map sum . transpose . take 3 . tails

Then we’d like to solve it “elegantly” by using the same hack as for part 1. But it doesn’t appear to apply here, where it’s the function that’s duplicated instead of its input. Or could it?

twoParts :: [Int] -> (Int,Int)
twoParts = (part1 &&& part1 . part2proper)
         = (&&&) part1 (part1 . part2proper)
         = flip (&&&) (part1 . part2proper) part1
         = (flip (&&&) =<< (. part2proper)) part1

But wait!

  1. What am I flipping &&& for? I can remember the part 2 answer comes before part 1’s, right?
  2. Why am I defining anything other than main? Defining a function and then calling is two uses of an identifier; such a waste…

So cleaning it all up:

main = interact $ show . ((&&&) =<< (. map sum . transpose . take 3 . tails))
                         (length . filter (> 0) . (zipWith (-) =<< tail)) .
                  map read . lines

Who doesn’t like compact code? Point-free to the point of pointlessness. Or to spin it in a more positive light: demonstrating the true power of first-class functions.

This concludes today’s solution. Can’t wait for day 2.

  1. In the context of this post.↩︎

  2. And I’m not using the word lightly.↩︎