AoC Day 2: Dive!

advent of code aoc2021 haskell

The day 2 puzzle, “Dive!”, is another of these “follow an instruction sequence using two different interpretations”. This post is literate Haskell, so let’s get the imports out of the way.

import Control.Arrow        ((&&&),(***))
import Control.Lens         (makeLenses,Getter,(&),(+~),to,view)
import Control.Lens.Unsound (lensProduct)
import Data.Semigroup       (Dual(..),Endo(..))

The code defines three instructions, but two of them (up and down) behave symmetrically, so I’ll merge their internal representation.

data Command = Horiz Int | Vert Int

parse :: String -> Command
parse (words -> [cmd,read -> i]) = case cmd of
  "forward" -> Horiz  i
  "down"    -> Vert   i
  "up"      -> Vert (-i)

Every time I try to use ViewPatterns, I’m disappointed with the post-hoc readability. Oh well.

In part 1, the commands’ interpretation is straightforward, summing bidimensional moves.

data State1 = S1 { _horiz :: !Int, _depth :: !Int }
makeLenses ''State1

pos1 :: State1
pos1 = S1 0 0

part1 :: Command -> Endo State1
part1 = Endo . \case Horiz i -> horiz +~ i
                     Vert i  -> depth +~ i

display :: Getter State1 Int
display = lensProduct horiz depth . to (uncurry (*))

Feels weird to reach for Lens.Unsound for a simple getter product. That’s what I get for using lenses once per year. Improvements welcome.

In part 2, the interpretation gets weird. We still have a position, but are invited to keep track of an additional value: the aim.

data State2 = S2 { _pos :: !State1, _aim :: !Int }
makeLenses ''State2

pos2 :: State2
pos2 = S2 pos1 0

It’s still implemented as a simple case match. You’ll note I use the Dual monoid adaptor: Endo composes in the usual mathematical direction, resulting in functions being applied right to left. It didn’t matter for part 1 where they commuted, but here we really have to apply them left to right.

part2 :: Command -> Dual (Endo State2)
part2 = Dual . Endo . \case Vert i  -> aim +~ i
                            Horiz i -> depthChange i . (pos.horiz +~ i)
  where depthChange i st = st & pos.depth +~ view aim st * i

That depthChange function is also a bit disappointing: I was hoping to write it without making st explicit. Improvements welcome.

Anyway, a wrapper to run the whole of it and we’re done.

main :: IO ()
main = interact $ show .
                  (view display     *** view (pos.display)) .
                  ((`appEndo` pos1) *** (`appEndo` pos2) . getDual) .
                  foldMap (part1 &&& part2) .
                  map parse . lines

This concludes today’s solution. See you tomorrow!