AoC Day 4: Giant Squid

advent of code aoc2021 haskell

Today’s Advent of Code problem, “Giant Squid”, asks us to solve bingo. Let’s start with a few import to serve as a literate Haskell prologue.

import Control.Arrow   ((&&&))
import Control.Monad   (guard)
import Data.List       (partition,transpose)
import Data.List.Split (chunksOf,wordsBy)
import Data.Maybe      (catMaybes)

We’ll be marking out numbers from bingo boards, so I’ll represent them as lists of lists of Maybe Ints, where Nothing would represent a marked number.

type Board = [[Maybe Int]]

The input format is very readable, which is all too often synonymous with painful to parse. For simplicity, I’ll assume the caller would already have it split by words, which separates the numbers’ order nicely as a huge first word. I then split it on commas, and form the boards by nested application of chunksOf 5.

parse :: [String] -> ([Int],[Board])
parse ( order : boards ) =
  ( read <$> wordsBy (== ',') order
  , chunksOf 5 (chunksOf 5 (Just . read <$> boards)) )

Marking can be implemented as a simple comparison. A guard-like function is a nice fit, though not really the core of the matter here.

mark :: Int -> Board -> Board
mark n board = (map . map) (guarded' (/= n)) board
  where guarded' p mx = do { x <- mx ; x <$ guard (p x) }

Checking a board for a win is now a simple matter of looking for a row or column entirely made up of Nothings.

isWinning :: Board -> Bool
isWinning g = replicate 5 Nothing `elem` (g ++ transpose g)

Scoring a winning board can then be implemented by flattening the board, summing and multiplying.

score :: Int -> Board -> Int
score n g = n * (sum . catMaybes . concat) g

Part 1 asks for the first board to win, part 2 for the last one, so let’s just compute all of their scores in order.

winners :: [Int] -> [Board] -> [Int]
winners _ [] = []
winners (n:ns) bs = map (score n) won ++ winners ns bs'
  where (won,bs') = partition isWinning (mark n <$> bs)

And combine it all in a simple wrapper.

main :: IO ()
main = interact $ show . (head &&& last) . uncurry winners . parse . words

This concludes today’s solution. See you tomorrow!