AoC Day 11: Dumbo Octopus

advent of code aoc2021 haskell

Day 11, “Dumbo Octopus”, is the closest we’re getting to a cellular automaton in the present state of this year’s Advent of Code. I’ll be using various incarnations of the Writer monad, imported here.

import           Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import           Control.Arrow ((&&&),(***))
import           Control.Monad (guard,(>=>))
import           Control.Monad.Writer.Class (tell)
import qualified Control.Monad.Writer.Lazy as L
import qualified Control.Monad.Writer.Strict as S
import           Data.Array
import           Data.Char (digitToInt)
import           Data.List (elemIndex)
import           Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import           Data.Monoid (Sum(Sum))

The octopuses are conveniently arranged in a 2D grid.

type OctoGrid = Array (Int,Int)

To handle the flashing, I’ll enhance the octopuses’ energy level to remember whether they flashed in this step: I wouldn’t want to let them flash twice, messing up with my counting.

flash :: OctoGrid (Maybe Int) ->

I’ll call this flash function iteratively until there’s no octopus left with a high enough energy level. So I’ll aggregate the tally of flashes using a (strict) writer monad over a Sum monoid.

        S.Writer (Sum Int) (OctoGrid (Maybe Int))

The octopuses that should flash are those with an energy level over 9. The octopuses that just flashed are now valued at Nothing, which compares under Just 9.

flash g = case filter ((> Just 9) . (g!)) (indices g) of

The easy case is the termination one: just return the grid as is, and don’t iterate any more.

            [] -> pure g

If there are octopuses scheduled to flash, count them, update the grid, and iterate.

            flashing -> tell (Sum (length flashing)) *>
                        flash (accum (liftA2 (+)) g (concatMap dazzle flashing))

Updating the grid adds one to the neighbors’ energy level, and marks the flasher away.

  where dazzle (i,j) = [ ((i',j'),1 <$ guard ((i',j') /= (i,j)))
                       | i' <- [i-1..i+1], j' <- [j-1..j+1]
                       , inRange (bounds g) (i',j') ]

With this simple building block, I can implement the full step by function composition. In order:

step :: OctoGrid Int -> L.Writer [Sum Int] (OctoGrid Int)
step = L.writer . (fmap (fromMaybe 0) *** pure) .
       S.runWriter . flash . fmap (Just . succ)

Iterating steps yields a full simulation, returning the flash count per step. As it’s an infinite list, I use a lazy writer there.

simulate :: OctoGrid Int -> [Sum Int]
simulate = L.execWriter . go where go = step >=> go

Part 1 asks for the total flash count in 100 turns.

part1 :: [Sum Int] -> Sum Int
part1 = mconcat . take 100

Part 2 asks for the first step number that flashes them all. (succ to convert from 0-based list indexing to human ordinals)

part2 :: [Sum Int] -> Maybe Int
part2 = fmap succ . elemIndex (Sum 100)

Here’s the wrapping code for completeness.

parse :: String -> OctoGrid Int
parse = listArray ((1,1),(10,10)) . map digitToInt . concat . lines

main :: IO ()
main = interact $ show . (part1 &&& part2) . simulate . parse

The literate Haskell program is on GitHub as usual. See you tomorrow!