Day 11, “Dumbo Octopus”, is the closest we’re getting to a cellular automaton in the present state of this year’s Advent of Code. I’ll be using various incarnations of the Writer monad, imported here.
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Control.Arrow ((&&&),(***))
import Control.Monad (guard,(>=>))
import Control.Monad.Writer.Class (tell)
import qualified Control.Monad.Writer.Lazy as L
import qualified Control.Monad.Writer.Strict as S
import Data.Array
import Data.Char (digitToInt)
import Data.List (elemIndex)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (Sum(Sum))
The octopuses are conveniently arranged in a 2D grid.
type OctoGrid = Array (Int,Int)
To handle the flashing, I’ll enhance the octopuses’ energy level to remember whether they flashed in this step: I wouldn’t want to let them flash twice, messing up with my counting.
flash :: OctoGrid (Maybe Int) ->
I’ll call this flash function iteratively until there’s no octopus
left with a high enough energy level. So I’ll aggregate the tally of
flashes using a (strict) writer monad over a Sum
S.Writer (Sum Int) (OctoGrid (Maybe Int))
The octopuses that should flash are those with an energy level over
9. The octopuses that just flashed are
now valued at Nothing
, which compares under
Just 9
= case filter ((> Just 9) . (g!)) (indices g) of flash g
The easy case is the termination one: just return the grid as is, and don’t iterate any more.
-> pure g []
If there are octopuses scheduled to flash, count them, update the grid, and iterate.
-> tell (Sum (length flashing)) *>
flashing +)) g (concatMap dazzle flashing)) flash (accum (liftA2 (
Updating the grid adds one to the neighbors’ energy level, and marks the flasher away.
where dazzle (i,j) = [ ((i',j'),1 <$ guard ((i',j') /= (i,j)))
| i' <- [i-1..i+1], j' <- [j-1..j+1]
inRange (bounds g) (i',j') ] ,
With this simple building block, I can implement the full step by function composition. In order:
- expand the energy level type and increase it
- iteratively flash as long as it has to
- aggregate the flash count
- reduce to a simple energy level
- report the step’s flash count
step :: OctoGrid Int -> L.Writer [Sum Int] (OctoGrid Int)
= L.writer . (fmap (fromMaybe 0) *** pure) .
step . flash . fmap (Just . succ) S.runWriter
Iterating steps yields a full simulation, returning the flash count per step. As it’s an infinite list, I use a lazy writer there.
simulate :: OctoGrid Int -> [Sum Int]
= L.execWriter . go where go = step >=> go simulate
Part 1 asks for the total flash count in 100 turns.
part1 :: [Sum Int] -> Sum Int
= mconcat . take 100 part1
Part 2 asks for the first step number that flashes them all.
to convert from 0-based list indexing to human
part2 :: [Sum Int] -> Maybe Int
= fmap succ . elemIndex (Sum 100) part2
Here’s the wrapping code for completeness.
parse :: String -> OctoGrid Int
= listArray ((1,1),(10,10)) . map digitToInt . concat . lines
main :: IO ()
= interact $ show . (part1 &&& part2) . simulate . parse main
The literate Haskell program is on GitHub as usual. See you tomorrow!