AoC Day 12: Passage Pathing

advent of code aoc2021 haskell

For day 12’s puzzle, “Passage Pathing”, we’ll be exploring a cave network. Here are a few imports to start the literate Haskell with:

import Control.Arrow   ((&&&))
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict
import Data.Char       (isUpper)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map,(!))
import Data.Proxy      (Proxy(Proxy))
import Data.Set        (Set,(\\))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set

Caves are provided with a nice human-readable label we can use to refer to them.

type CaveId = String

Some caves are small; some are big. Tell them apart using this neat trick:

isBigCave :: CaveId -> Bool
isBigCave = all isUpper

I’ll represent the network topology with standard containers: for each cave I’ll map a set of reachable caves, all referenced by label.

type Graph = Map CaveId (Set CaveId)

Reading all this information in is just a simple matter of connecting various combinators together.

parse :: String -> Graph
parse = oneWay . fmap noReturn .
        foldr (uncurry (Map.insertWith Set.union)) Map.empty .
        concatMap readEdge . lines
    readEdge (break (== '-') -> (a,'-':b)) =
      [(a,Set.singleton b),(b,Set.singleton a)]
    oneWay = Map.insert "end" Set.empty
    noReturn = Set.delete "start"

The readEdge internal function takes charge of making edges bidirectional. Later in the statement, the two edges start and end are given special treatment by being declared source-only and sink-only. I handle that directly at parse time by post-processing the adjacency lists to not allow moving back to start, and adjusting the graph not to be able to leave end.

We can now write out a fairly generic DFS that specifically performs a tallying operation when reaching a final node:

dfs :: forall s. Node s => Proxy s -> Graph -> Sum Int
dfs _ g = execWriter (go (start @s)) where
  go n = when (isFinal n) (tell (Sum 1)) *>
         mapM_ go (visit g n)

It’s so generic we’re to bring it our own node class.

class Node s where
  start :: s
  isFinal :: s -> Bool
  visit :: Graph -> s -> [s]

In part 1 the movement rules are to never visit a small cave twice. We can keep track of this by remembering which small caves we’ve visited.

data Part1 = P1 CaveId (Set CaveId) deriving Show

The Node instance is then a typical DFS’s, with the small specificity that big caves are ignored when managing the closed set.

instance Node Part1 where
  start = P1 "start" Set.empty
  isFinal (P1 c _) = c == "end"
  visit g (P1 c cl) = map (\c' -> P1 c' cl') (Set.elems cs)
    where cl' | isBigCave c = cl
              | otherwise = Set.insert c cl
          cs = g!c \\ cl

In part 2, we’re allowed to revisit a single small cave once. We can handle this with minimal change by tracking an additional boolean value: “have we visited a small cave twice already?”

data Part2 = P2 CaveId Bool (Set CaveId) deriving Show

The start and isFinal methods are simple adjustment to the added parameter in the data structure.

instance Node Part2 where
  start = P2 "start" False Set.empty
  isFinal (P2 c _ _) = c == "end"

(It’s also where we “explicitly” accept reaching the end cave with or without having visited a small cave twice.)

The visit method will have to be altered:

  visit g (P2 c db cl) = map (\c' -> P2 c' db' cl') (Set.elems cs)
    where (db',cl') | isBigCave c = (db,cl)
                    | c `Set.member` cl = (True,cl)
                    | otherwise = (db,Set.insert c cl)
          cs | db' = g!c \\ cl
             | otherwise = g!c

A simple wrapper dispatches it all.

main :: IO ()
main = interact $ show . (dfs (Proxy @Part1) &&& dfs (Proxy @Part2)) . parse

This concludes today’s solution. See you tomorrow!