AoC Day 15: Chiton

advent of code aoc2021 haskell

I’m tainted. Since Code Jam’s problem of the same name, I can’t dissociate Dijkstra from hamiltonians anymore. Anyway, for day 15 of Advent of Code, “Chiton”, we are to find the less risky path from a corner of the cave to the other. Which can definitely be interpreted as a form of shortest path, so that’s exactly what we’ll do. This post is literate Haskell, and these are its imports.

import Data.Array    (Array,array,listArray,(!),bounds,range,inRange)
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Data.Char     (digitToInt)
import Data.Set      (empty,singleton,insert,deleteFindMin,member,notMember)

The cave is 2D; risk is a single-digit integer, there is one per position in the cave.

type Pos = (Int,Int)
type Risk = Int
type Cave = Array Pos Risk

The input is supposed to be square, I’m not really verifying it. Moreover, I’m overengineering and separating width from height.

parse :: String -> Array Pos Risk
parse (lines -> ls@(l1:_)) =
  let w = length l1
      h = length ls
  in (listArray ((0,0),(h-1,w-1)) . map digitToInt . concat) ls

Dijkstra’s algorithm is a specialization of the generic graph traversal algorithm where the nodes are expanded in order of distance to the origin. It’s guaranteed to find a path if one exists; it’s guaranteed to be the shortest if the edge weights are all  ≥ 0.

I’m implementing it with a simple ordered Set because for the kind of dimensions in the puzzle that won’t make much of a difference.

dijkstra :: Cave -> Risk
dijkstra g = go empty (singleton (0,(0,0))) where
  go cl (deleteFindMin -> ((d,p),q))
    | p == snd (bounds g) = d
    | p `member` cl       = go cl  q
    | otherwise           = go cl' q'
      cl' = insert p cl
      q' = foldl (flip insert) q
        [ (d + g!p',p') | p' <- neighbors p, p' `notMember` cl ]
  neighbors (i,j) = [ p | p <- [ (i-1,j),(i,j+1),(i+1,j),(i,j-1) ]
                      , inRange (bounds g) p ]

Part 2 is the same problem on a somewhat larger cave. The gist of the code to add is to generate it from the small one.

tile :: Cave -> Cave
tile g = array bds
  [ (p,1 + (g!(i',j') + ii + jj - 1) `mod` 9)
  | p@(i,j) <- range bds
  , let (ii,i') = i `divMod` h
  , let (jj,j') = j `divMod` w
  where bds = ((u,l),(u+5*w-1,l+5*w-1))
        ((u,l),(b,r)) = bounds g
        h = b - u + 1
        w = r - l + 1

A little wrapping, and we’re done.

main :: IO ()
main = interact $ show . (dijkstra &&& dijkstra . tile) . parse

That was a quick one.

This concludes today’s solution. See you tomorrow!