AoC Day 18: Snailfish

advent of code aoc2021 haskell

Today in Advent of Code, the day 18 puzzle “Snailfish”, asks us to implement a borderline imperative numeric system on binary trees of digits. This post is literate Haskell with a big import list as I’ll be leveraging quite a few libraries here.

import Control.Arrow             ((&&&),second)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Zipper
import Control.Zipper.Internal   (focalPoint)
import Control.Monad             ((>=>))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Accum (Accum,runAccum,add,looks)
import Data.Char                 (isDigit,digitToInt)
import Data.Data                 (Data)
import Data.Maybe                (fromMaybe,listToMaybe)
import Data.Monoid               (First(First,getFirst))
import Text.Megaparsec           (Parsec,parse,satisfy,(<|>))
import Text.Megaparsec.Char      (char)

Snailfish numbers are a binary tree of integers. The integers are in the digit range and the tree’s depth is always between 1 and 4, but I won’t enforce that in the type as it’ll make my life easier when performing the operations.1 I’ll be using the derived traversable hack again, so you can read a as Int for all intents and purposes.

data Number a = Regular !a | Pair !(Number a) !(Number a)
  deriving (Functor,Foldable,Traversable,Data)
instance Data a => Plated (Number a)
makePrisms ''Number

To add two numbers, form a pair from them then reduce it.

addNumbers :: Number Int -> Number Int -> Number Int
addNumbers = (reduce .) . Pair

Reduction is repeated application of the first operation that applies, until none does anymore. The operations are:

  1. exploding the leftmost 4-deep pair
  2. splitting the leftmost superdigit number
reduce :: Number Int -> Number Int
reduce n = fromMaybe n (reduce <$> explodePair n <|> reduce <$> splitRegular n)

I’ll define two functions to detect and perform those operations, returning Nothing if they had nothing to do.

Exploding a pair involves replacing it with 0, which is easy, then adding its former constituent digits to the closest digit on either side, which isn’t strictly hard, but clearly a bad match for pure functional programming.

I’ll resolve the mismatch by making a first use of the derived Functor instance: I’ll have the localizing piece of code replace every digit in the tree with Just that digit, replace the leftmost explodable pair with Nothing and return its former contents. If there’s no exploitable leftmost pair, the function returns Nothing instead.

zapAndReturnPair :: Number Int
                 -> Maybe ((Int,Int),(Number (Maybe Int)))
zapAndReturnPair n = do
  z <- zipper (Just <$> n) &
       withins plate >>= withins plate >>= withins plate >>= withins plate >>=
       withins _Pair &
  let (Regular (Just a),Regular (Just b)) = z ^. focus
  z & upward & focus .~ Regular Nothing & rezip
    & (,) (a,b) & pure

I’m using withins calls in the list monad and converting the resulting zipper list to Maybe to achieve the effect of finding the leftmost. Performing the withins directly in Maybe would have “and” semantics, and fail at leftmosting.2

With the tree of Just digits and a single Nothing, I can now zip using the autoderived Traversable instance. It has the nice flattening property of ordering slots left-to-right we’re after to seek neighbors. I’ll skip to the Nothing, add a to its left, b to its right, then rezip and eliminate the internal Maybe.

propagateAroundNothing :: (Int,Int) -> Number (Maybe Int) -> Maybe (Number Int)
propagateAroundNothing (a,b) n = zipper n
   &  within traversed
  >>= forwardToNothing
  <&> a `addedAt` leftward
  <&> b `addedAt` rightward
  <&> rezip
  <&> fmap (fromMaybe 0)

This uses two simple helpers. One to seek the Nothing element with the new, flat traversal model:

forwardToNothing :: MonadFail m => Zipper h i (Maybe a) -> m (Zipper h i (Maybe a))
forwardToNothing z
  | has (focus . _Nothing) z = pure z
  | Just z' <- rightward z = forwardToNothing z'
  | otherwise = fail "forwardToNothing: no Nothing"

And one to add an integer value some zipper path away from the focus:

addedAt :: Functor f
        => Int -> (Zipper h i (f Int) -> Maybe (Zipper h i (f Int)))
        -> Zipper h i (f Int) -> Zipper h i (f Int)
addedAt n dir z = dir z <&> focus %~ fmap (+n) >>= moveTo i & fromMaybe z
  where i = focalPoint z

We’ve got all we need to combine our pair explosion function!

explodePair :: Number Int -> Maybe (Number Int)
explodePair = zapAndReturnPair >=> uncurry propagateAroundNothing

The second detect-and-apply function we need is the one to split a number greater than 9. The autogenerated Plated instance I have for Number is great for transforming each structural recursive point, but I only want to operate on the leftmost one. And to detect whether the operation was necessary.

So I’ll run the traversal in an Accum monad.

splitRegular :: Number Int -> Maybe (Number Int)
splitRegular n =
  uncurry (<$) $ second getFirst $
  runAccum (transformM splitTransformer n) (First Nothing)

Yay. I unironically wrote “second getFirst”.

The local transformer keeps track of the accumulator to only perform the replacement once, and degrade as id the rest of the time.

splitTransformer :: Number Int -> Accum (First ()) (Number Int)
splitTransformer (Regular n) = looks getFirst >>= \case
  Nothing | n >= 10 ->
    Pair (Regular (n `div` 2)) (Regular ((n+1) `div` 2))
      <$ add (First (Just ()))
  _ -> pure (Regular n) 
splitTransformer x = pure x

I still need to parse the input. It’s bordering “trivial” on the relative scale of what we’ve been through this month.

type Parser = Parsec () String
number,pair,regular :: Parser (Number Int)
number = pair <|> regular
pair = Pair <$> (char '[' *> number) <* char ',' <*> number <* char ']'
regular = Regular . digitToInt <$> satisfy isDigit

Part 1 asks for a checksum of the sum of all numbers in the input. That checksum is dubbed “magnitude” and follows a simple recursive definition.

magnitude :: Number Int -> Int
magnitude (Regular n) = n
magnitude (Pair a b) = 3 * magnitude a + 2 * magnitude b

part1 :: [Number Int] -> Int
part1 = magnitude . foldl1 addNumbers

Part 2 asks for the largest pairwise sum we can find.

part2 :: [Number Int] -> Int
part2 ns = maximum $ map magnitude (addNumbers <$> ns <*> ns)

A small wrapper and we’re all done!

main :: IO ()
main = interact $ show . fmap (part1 &&& part2) .
                  mapM (parse number "<stdin>") . lines

This concludes today’s solution. See you tomorrow!

  1. I would be curious to see what others have done in this regard.↩︎

  2. I’m actually not totally clear in my mind whether it would only accept a leftmost in first position or a leftmost in first position only if all candidate positions are pairs. Too lazy to explore at this point.↩︎