Two days before the end of Advent of Code, the day 23 “Amphibot” puzzle has us optimize colored pawn movements on a constrained grid. As this post is literate Haskell, it starts with a bunch of imports.
import Data.Array
import Data.Char (isAlpha)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
Amphipods come in four colors: A, B, C and D.
data Amphipod = Amber | Bronze | Copper | Desert deriving (Eq,Ord)
Each has a specific movement cost.
mult :: Amphipod -> Int
Amber = 1
mult Bronze = 10
mult Copper = 100
mult Desert = 1000 mult
The grid is either wall or walkable. The space outside the grid is needed to parse to a rectangular array, but isn’t reachable in any way so it doesn’t matter too much what its type is. Among the walkable areas, the starting ones are “rooms”, the ones directly above are technically hallway, but forbidden to stop on, and the remainder is genuine “hallway”.
data CellType = Hallway | Forbidden | Room Amphipod | Wall deriving Eq
type Pos = (Int,Int)
type Grid = Array Pos CellType
Now the authorized movements are very constrained. Amphipods start in rooms, mostly shuffled around. From a room, they can only move to a hallway. From a hallway, they can only move to the room they’re supposed to end in. So for all intents and purposes, each can really only move twice ever: any additional intermediate position is either forbidden or suboptimal, which is as good as forbidden for search.
And the solution will have at most twice the number of amphipods as moves. So we can most likely use a simple shortest path algorithm such as Dijkstra’s.
dijkstra :: Ord a => a -> (a -> Bool) -> (a -> [(Int,a)]) -> Int
dijkstra startNode isGoalNode expandNode 0,startNode))
go S.empty (S.singleton (where
-> ((d,n),q))
go cl (S.deleteFindMin | n `S.member` cl = go cl q
| isGoalNode n = d
| otherwise = go cl' q'
= S.insert n cl
cl' = foldl (flip S.insert) q $ map (\(d',n') -> (d+d',n')) (expandNode n) q'
To solve, we simply call it with the three relevant arguments.
There are multiple moving pieces: they all have to be a part of the state.
type State = Map Pos Amphipod
The goal position is unique so long as the amphipods are indistinguishable per color. Which is the case with the state representation I chose. So I can just generate it once and compare for equality.
solve :: Grid -> State -> Int -> Int
= dijkstra s0 (== goal) expand where
solve g s0 roomDepth = M.fromList $ mapMaybe toGoal $ assocs g where
goal Room a) = Just (p,a)
toGoal (p,= Nothing toGoal _
The node expansion is obviously where all the nitty gritty is going. At its core, the node expansions are the sum of each amphibot’s expansions.
= concatMap (expandNode n) (M.assocs n) expand n
An individual amphipod’s expansion spans longer. For each of them, we want to:
- check which positions it can reach (with a DFS)
- check whether it’s a valid movement: room to hallway, hallway to final room only
- prune a forbidden move: blocking an unaligned amphipod
- prune the stupid move: leaving extra space at the end of the room. It’s not forbidden by the statement per se, but with my model of only out and in moves it would make the game unfinishable, better trim it early.
expandNode n (p,a) map moveTo $ filter (not . blocks . fst) $ filter (checkType . fst) $ dfs n p
= g!p
t = case (t,g!p') of
checkType p' Room _,Hallway) -> True
(Hallway,Room a') | a' == a -> True
(-> False _
The blocks
function is a bit too introspective for my
taste, but handling coordinates directly does make checking the room
contents for empty or “enemies” easy. i > 2
mostly means
“is a room”.
blocks :: Pos -> Bool
blocks (i,j)| i > 2 = any (/= a) (mapMaybe (\i' -> M.lookup (i',j) n)
[|| any (\i' -> (i',j) `M.notMember` n) [i+1 .. 2+roomDepth]
= False blocks _
With all those checks passed, we can generate the resulting node by simple set operations.
= (c * mult a,M.insert p' a (M.delete p n)) moveTo (p',c)
Two helpers are needed. One for listing each position’s walkable direct neighbors.
neighbors :: Array Pos [Pos]
= array (bounds g)
[ (p,[ p'| p' <- [(i-1,j),(i,j+1),(i+1,j),(i,j-1)]
inRange (bounds g) p'
, !p' /= Wall
, g
])| p@(i,j) <- indices g
And one for generating a position’s complete walkable span. Including
places where we can’t stop, those were filtered in the
dfs :: Map Pos Amphipod -> Pos -> [(Pos,Int)]
= go S.empty [(p0,0)] where
dfs n p0 = []
go _ [] :q)
go cl ((p,d)| p `S.member` cl = go cl q
| otherwise = (p,d) : go cl' (q' ++ q)
= S.insert p cl
cl' = map (,d+1) $ filter (`S.notMember` cl) $
q' filter (`M.notMember` n) $ neighbors ! p
My parsing code uses the picture to generate cell types, but still relies heavily on outside information (room color) and constants (forbidden positions’ coordinates).
parse :: [String] -> (Grid,State)
= (grid,state) where
parse ls = length ls
h = length (head ls)
w = accumArray (flip const) Forbidden ((1,1),(h,w))
[ ((i,j),parseType j c)| (i,l) <- zip [1..] ls
<- zip [1..] l
, (j,c)
]'#' = Wall
parseType _ '.' | even j && j > 3 && j < 11 = Forbidden
parseType j | otherwise = Hallway
| isAlpha c = case j of
parseType j c 4 -> Room Amber
6 -> Room Bronze
8 -> Room Copper
10 -> Room Desert
= Wall
parseType _ _ = M.fromList
[ ((i,j),a)| (i,l) <- zip [1..] ls
<- zip [1..] l
, (j,c) <- parseAmphipod c
, a
]'A' = [Amber]
parseAmphipod 'B' = [Bronze]
parseAmphipod 'C' = [Copper]
parseAmphipod 'D' = [Desert]
parseAmphipod = [] parseAmphipod _
For part 2, a constant piece of paper is to be spliced in the middle.
patchedLines :: [String] -> [String]
splitAt 3 -> (start,end)) = start ++ merge ++ end
patchedLines (where merge = [ " #D#C#B#A#", " #D#B#A#C#" ]
Here’s a little main
wrapper for completeness.
main :: IO ()
= do
main <- lines <$> getContents
ls0 let (g,s0) = parse ls0
print (solve g s0 2)
let ls0' = patchedLines ls0
= parse ls0'
(g',s0') print (solve g' s0' 4)
There’s a lot of optimization that could be added. More and better pruning, A* search, bidirectional search, you name it. But it runs in ten seconds with mostly boilerplate code, I’m not sure it’s worth any more. The engineering tradeoff strikes again…
This concludes today’s solution. See you tomorrow!