AoC Day 24: Arithmetic Logic Unit

advent of code aoc2021 haskell

At last! For Advent of Code’s penultimate puzzle, day 24 “Arithmetic Logic Unit” gives us a bit of assembly to analyze! This one was all the more interesting to me that my approach fell somewhere in the middle of the spectrum, between the “throw Z3 at it” and the “full reverse engineering” crowds. This post is still literate Haskell, headered with a few imports.

import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Arrow       ((&&&))
import Control.Monad       (guard)
import Data.Ix             (inRange)
import Data.List           (unfoldr)
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as Map

There is some structure to the input. Namely, it can be split in 14 parts, differing only in three constants. My parser code will make this clearer:

parse :: String -> ([Int],[Int],[Int])
parse = unzip3 . unfoldr block . lines where
  block ls = do
    "inp w"
      : "mul x 0"
      : "add x z"
      : "mod x 26"
      : (words -> ["div","z",read -> d])
      : (words -> ["add","x",read -> δx])
      : "eql x w"
      : "eql x 0"
      : "mul y 0"
      : "add y 25"
      : "mul y x"
      : "add y 1"
      : "mul z y"
      : "mul y 0"
      : "add y w"
      : (words -> ["add","y",read -> δy])
      : "mul y x"
      : "add z y"
      : ls' <- pure ls
    pure ((δx,δy,d),ls')

But what does it do? Let’s rewrite it to pseudocode in SSA form for clarity.

(A note on syntax and semantics. I’m using + and × at their standard meanings. I use the American division symbol ÷ for integer division and % for division remainder, both in the mathematical “number field residue” way, i.e. truncate towards \(-\infty\), divisors and remainders are always positive.1 The binary operation = returns 0 or 1 and is not associative in any direction: it’ll always have to be parenthesized appropriately.)

\[ \begin{array}{ccl} w_1 &\leftarrow &\{input\} \\ x_1 &\leftarrow &x_0 \times 0 \\ x_2 &\leftarrow &x_1 + z_0 \\ x_3 &\leftarrow &x_2 \mathop\% 26 \\ z_1 &\leftarrow &z_0 \div \mathbf d \\ x_4 &\leftarrow &x_3 + \mathbf{δx} \\ x_5 &\leftarrow &x_4 = w_1 \\ x_6 &\leftarrow &x_5 = 0 \\ y_1 &\leftarrow &y_0 \times 0 \\ y_2 &\leftarrow &y_1 + 25 \\ y_3 &\leftarrow &y_2 \times x_6 \\ y_4 &\leftarrow &y_3 + 1 \\ z_2 &\leftarrow &z_1 \times y_4 \\ y_5 &\leftarrow &y_4 \times 0 \\ y_6 &\leftarrow &y_5 + w_1 \\ y_7 &\leftarrow &y_6 + \mathbf{δy} \\ y_8 &\leftarrow &y_7 \times x_6 \\ z_3 &\leftarrow &z_2 + y_8 \end{array} \]

Replacing downwards and pruning temporaries, we get:

\[ \begin{array}{ccl} w_1 &\leftarrow &\{input\} \\ x_6 &\leftarrow &((x_0 \times 0 + z_0) \mathop\% 26 + δx = \{input\}) = 0 \\ y_8 &\leftarrow &(((y_0 \times 0 + 25) \times (((x_0 \times 0 + z_0) \mathop\% 26 + δx = \{input\}) = 0) + 1) \times 0 + \{input\} + δy) \times (((x_0 \times 0 + z_0) \mathop\% 26 + δx = \{input\}) = 0) \\ z_3 &\leftarrow &z_0 \div d \times ((y_0 \times 0 + 25) \times (((x_0 \times 0 + z_0) \mathop\% 26 + δx = \{input\}) = 0) + 1) + y_8 \\ \end{array} \]

Those two last expressions are a litle scary. But we’ve got a lot of ×0 hanging around; let’s simplify those and remove a few more parentheses.

\[ \begin{array}{ccl} w_1 &\leftarrow &\{input\} \\ x_6 &\leftarrow &(z_0 \mathop\% 26 + δx = \{input\}) = 0 \\ y_8 &\leftarrow &(\{input\} + δy) \times ((z_0 \mathop\% 26 + δx = \{input\}) = 0) \\ z_3 &\leftarrow &z_0 \div d \times (25 \times ((z_0 \mathop\% 26 + δx = \{input\}) = 0) + 1) \\ && + (\{input\} + δy) \times ((z_0 \mathop\% 26 + δx = \{input\}) = 0) \end{array} \]

What’s really notable at this point is none of the \(w_0\), \(x_0\) and \(y_0\) variables are ever referenced. So the only register that is effectively transmitted from a block to the next is Z. Let’s make its transfer function explicit.

\[ f_i(z) = (z\div d_i) (25x + 1) + (\mathrm{in}_i + δy_i) x \\ \quad\text{where}\quad \\ x = z \mathop\% 26 + δx_i \neq \mathrm{in}_i \]

Extracting and simplifying two actual cases from the X variable:

\[ f_i(z) = \begin{cases} z\div d_i & \text{if}\quad \mathrm{in}_i = z \mathop\% 26 + δx_i \\ 26(z\div d_i) + \mathrm{in}_i + δy_i & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \]

It was possible to go even further than this, and analyze the relationships between the \(δx_i\), \(δy_i\) and \(d_i\) parameters. I did without, as that function already seems reversible enough.

How do we reverse a case-based function such as this one? We reverse each branch one by one, and verify the precondition afterwards.

Let’s formalize a bit before we get lost. We know the \((δx,δy,d)\) parameters. We know the ALU’s starting state, though only its Z register matters: it starts at 0. We are looking for the lexicographically maximal \(\{\mathrm{in}_i\}\) values such that the resulting Z register ends at 0 after applying all transfer functions.

It’s a bit much to do it all at once. But by relaxing the intermediate stages to “and let’s see what Z prior values we get out of this”, the search space is surprisingly2 small.

So here’s the resulting Haskell function. It takes the usual \(δx_i\), \(δy_i\) and \(d_i\) parameters, and the \((z',q)\) pair of Z value we’re reversing for decorated with the input stream it corresponds to. It returns a list, possibly empty, of \((z_0,q')\) pairs of initial Z values and full corresponding input stream. I’m keeping the input streams in full instead of operating digit by digit so that I can compare them directly, as part 1 asks for the maximal possible digit sequence.

revStage :: Int -> Int -> Int -> (Int,[Int]) -> [(Int,[Int])]
revStage δx δy d (z',is) =
      z0 <- (z'*d +) <$> [0..d-1] -- z' = z0 `div` d
      let i = z0 `mod` 26 + δx
      guard (inRange (1,9) i)
      pure (z0,i:is)
      i <- [1..9]
      let (q,r) = (z' - i - δy) `divMod` 26
      guard (r == 0)
      z0 <- [q,q+1..q+d-1]
      guard (i /= z0 `mod` 26 + δx)
      pure (z0,i:is)

Note that while the forward version of \(f_i\) can only fall in a single case, the reverse could very well yield no results at all, or multiple per branch!

Solving the problem is now a simple matter of chaining the reverse stages together, and seeing which input streams we have for a starting Z of 0. I’ll take a selector operator as an argument to ease part 2.

solve :: ([Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]) -> ([Int],[Int],[Int]) -> Maybe [Int]
solve op (δxs,δys,ds) =
    Map.lookup 0 $ foldr rs (Map.singleton 0 []) (zip3 δxs δys ds)
    rs (δx,δy,d) zqs =
      Map.fromListWith op $ concatMap (revStage δx δy d) $ Map.assocs zqs

A small wrapper solves both variants.3

main :: IO ()
main = interact $ show . (solve max &&& solve min) . parse

This concludes today’s solution. See you tomorrow!

  1. This is not how the statement says those operators work. Let’s call it an oversight. Luckily enough, only Z ever gets divided, and it’s always nonnegative by construction, so the definitions coincide. But this relies on all \(δy\)s being positive, and I’m going for low analysis in this write-up.↩︎

  2. Rumor has it it’s not so much of a surprise anymore if you actually analyze the parameters.↩︎

  3. In sequence. There would be a nice way to do both at once with monoids and all, but come on, it just takes one second, it’s fine as is.↩︎