In today’s Advent of
Code puzzle, we’re moving stacks of plates crates
In the usual clash of literate programming with Haskell’s strict code ordering, here’s a bunch of imports to start this literate Haskell post.
import Data.Array (Array,(!),(//),listArray,elems)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List (foldl',transpose)
We’re handling stacke of crates. Crates display a letter, so let’s
store that in a Char
. Instructions refer to stacks by
index, so let’s store those in an Array
performance convenience.
type Stacks = Array Int [Char]
The parsing could be the most complex here. But in a twist of bad luck, today’s problem is more interesting than the two previous ones, so I won’t indulge too much detail here.
In a nutshell: I’m splitting by paragraphs to separate the initial stacks from the instructions. Stacks are then parsed in a very crude “only read very specific indices” way. Instructions are parsed in a no less crude “expect very specific words in very specific positions, and read decimal elsewhere”.
parse :: String -> (Stacks,[(Int,Int,Int)])
lines -> break null -> (init -> stacks,tail -> steps)) =
parse (1,9) $
( listArray (dropWhile isSpace <$>
<$> stacks)
transpose (extractCrates <$> steps
, parseStep
= [ l !! i | i <- [1,5,9,13,17,21,25,29,33] ]
extractCrates l words -> ["move",n,"from",from,"to",to]) =
parseStep (read n,read from,read to) (
Yes, [1,5,9,13,17,21,25,29,33]
is shorter than
if you actually tolerated inserting a
reasonable amount of whitespace.
Now most of the puzzle is simply implementing our state transition function.
step2 :: Stacks -> (Int,Int,Int) -> Stacks step1,
In part 1, we move crates one by one. So we implement the state transition recursively, moving one crate at each iteration.
0,_,_) = stacks
step1 stacks (=
step1 stacks (n,from,to) let h:t = stacks ! from
in step1 (stacks // [(from,t),(to,h:stacks!to)]) (n-1,from,to)
In part 2, we move crates all at once. No more recursion needed!
step2 stacks (n,from,to) let (top,bot) = splitAt n (stacks!from)
in stacks // [(from,bot),(to,top ++ stacks!to)]
All that’s left is wrap it up.
main :: IO ()
= do
main <- parse <$> getContents
(stacks,procedure) let result1 = foldl' step1 stacks procedure
= foldl' step2 stacks procedure
result2 putStrLn (head <$> elems result1)
putStrLn (head <$> elems result2)
You undoubtedly noticed I didn’t demonstrate any point-free abuse this time. The problem was that much more interesting.
Anyway, that’s it for today. See you tomorrow!