AoC Day 5: Supply Stacks

advent of code aoc2022 haskell

In today’s Advent of Code puzzle, we’re moving stacks of plates crates around.

In the usual clash of literate programming with Haskell’s strict code ordering, here’s a bunch of imports to start this literate Haskell post.

import Data.Array (Array,(!),(//),listArray,elems)
import Data.Char  (isSpace)
import Data.List  (foldl',transpose)

We’re handling stacke of crates. Crates display a letter, so let’s store that in a Char. Instructions refer to stacks by index, so let’s store those in an Array for performance convenience.

type Stacks = Array Int [Char]

The parsing could be the most complex here. But in a twist of bad luck, today’s problem is more interesting than the two previous ones, so I won’t indulge too much detail here.

In a nutshell: I’m splitting by paragraphs to separate the initial stacks from the instructions. Stacks are then parsed in a very crude “only read very specific indices” way. Instructions are parsed in a no less crude “expect very specific words in very specific positions, and read decimal elsewhere”.

parse :: String -> (Stacks,[(Int,Int,Int)])
parse (lines -> break null -> (init -> stacks,tail -> steps)) =
    ( listArray (1,9) $
      dropWhile isSpace <$>
      transpose (extractCrates <$> stacks)
    , parseStep <$> steps
    extractCrates l = [ l !! i | i <- [1,5,9,13,17,21,25,29,33] ]
    parseStep (words -> ["move",n,"from",from,"to",to]) =
      (read n,read from,read to)

Yes, [1,5,9,13,17,21,25,29,33] is shorter than [1+4*i|i<-[0..8]] if you actually tolerated inserting a reasonable amount of whitespace.

Now most of the puzzle is simply implementing our state transition function.

step1,step2 :: Stacks -> (Int,Int,Int) -> Stacks

In part 1, we move crates one by one. So we implement the state transition recursively, moving one crate at each iteration.

step1 stacks (0,_,_) = stacks
step1 stacks (n,from,to) = 
  let h:t = stacks ! from
  in step1 (stacks // [(from,t),(to,h:stacks!to)]) (n-1,from,to)

In part 2, we move crates all at once. No more recursion needed!

step2 stacks (n,from,to) =
  let (top,bot) = splitAt n (stacks!from)
  in stacks // [(from,bot),(to,top ++ stacks!to)]

All that’s left is wrap it up.

main :: IO ()
main = do
  (stacks,procedure) <- parse <$> getContents
  let result1 = foldl' step1 stacks procedure
      result2 = foldl' step2 stacks procedure
  putStrLn (head <$> elems result1)
  putStrLn (head <$> elems result2)

You undoubtedly noticed I didn’t demonstrate any point-free abuse this time. The problem was that much more interesting.

Anyway, that’s it for today. See you tomorrow!