AoC Day 7: No Space Left On Device

advent of code aoc2022 haskell

Today we have a drastic shift for Advent of Code, in both difficulty of implementation and resulting program length.

I’m still going literate Haskell, so you’re not getting away with the rest of the post without me first dropping a few imports.

import           Control.Applicative      (Alternative,empty)
import           Control.Arrow            ((&&&))
import           Control.Monad.RWS.Strict (join,evalRWS,get,put,modify,tell)
import           Data.List                (find,foldl',sort,unfoldr)
import           System.FilePath.Posix    ((</>),takeDirectory)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map

The name of the game today is accounting for aggregated file sizes in a tree structure.

Today is the first day in a long time where I can see a plethora of different ways to implement it.

I am going to merely generate a list of path-size pairs, where path represents the complete directory trace from root to file. I will then, file by file, aggregate those sizes upwards in the directory structure. This is time-suboptimal because I am summing each file individually on each level it can contribute to, as opposed to summing only once per first-degree directory entry (file or subdir). It gains a lot on the code simplicity front: I skip on building a tree structure, and I can use standard third-party functions to parse paths.

It’s not so obvious to deduce a time complexity from that. For a given tree structure, it’s obvious my way is O(nfiles×max_file_depth), when optimal would be O(nfileslog(max_file_depth)). But actually constructing a worst case out of that formula from a constant-size input such as mine gets tricky. And on my input, total time remains small no matter what.

So I’ll start with a stateful parsing phase. The state will be the current path. The output will be the list of (file,size) pairs.

type FileEvent = (FilePath,Int)

I’ll tokenize by words. Starting state is root directory /.

parse :: String -> [FileEvent]
parse s = snd $ evalRWS (readCommand (words s)) () "/"
    readCommand [] = pure ()

Directory-changing commands will update the state accordingly and yield nothing.

Changing to root is a pure state assignment:

    readCommand ("$":"cd":"/":ts) = put "/" *> readCommand ts

…whereas relative changes make use of standard directory-handling functions and operators.

    readCommand ("$":"cd":"..":ts) = modify takeDirectory *> readCommand ts
    readCommand ("$":"cd":p:ts) = modify (</> p) *> readCommand ts

The command that lists entries switches parsing from command mode to file listing parsing mode.

    readCommand ("$":"ls":ts) = readLsOutput ts

We remain in list parsing mode until we encounter something that looks like a command again. Or reach end of input.

    readLsOutput ts@("$":_) = readCommand ts
    readLsOutput [] = pure ()

Encountering a subdirectory in a listing would be very useful if we were actually generating those commands. But we’re merely analyzing their result, so we don’t need to do anything specific when discovering a new directory.

    readLsOutput ("dir":_:ts) = readLsOutput ts

Encountering a file is the real meat: we get to generate one of those coveted filesystem entry pairs.

    readLsOutput (fs:fn:ts) = do
      p <- get
      tell [(p </> fn,read fs)]
      readLsOutput ts

Once we have those entries, we can aggregate sizes on all levels.

The outer loop handles files one by one:

type FileSystem = Map.Map FilePath Int

buildFileSystem :: String -> FileSystem
buildFileSystem = foldl' registerFile Map.empty . parse

And the inner loop adds their sizes to each of their parent directories’ tally.

registerFile :: FileSystem -> FileEvent -> FileSystem
registerFile t0 (path,size) = foldl' account t0 (trail path)
  where account t fp' = Map.insertWith (+) fp' size t

The trail helper enumerates a path’s parent directories.

trail :: FilePath -> [FilePath]
trail = ("/" :) . unfoldr (fmap dup . guarded (/= "/") . takeDirectory)

guarded and dup are semi-standard auxiliaries I could have imported from most anywhere else but didn’t bother to this time.

    guarded :: Alternative f => (a -> Bool) -> a -> f a
    guarded p a = if p a then pure a else empty
    dup :: a -> (a,a)
    dup = join (,)

Once we have this directory to aggregate volume mapping, solving part 1 is a simple matter of performing the requested computation: summing all directory sizes among directories of size smaller than 100 000.

You’ll notice there’s really no need for directory names or paths anymore, so we’ll operate directly on the sizes.

part1 :: [Int] -> Int
part1 = sum . filter (<= 100000)

A small wrapper gets us in business:

main :: IO ()
main = interact $ show . (part1 &&& part2) . Map.elems . buildFileSystem

Ah, yes, part 2. There we are to perform a more convoluted computation. We could probably set the math down and simplify it, but it’s really a constant-time operation much better left to the compiler to optimize. As if it could have any significant runtime impact.

part2 :: [Int] -> Maybe Int
part2 ss = find (>= target) (sort ss)
    size = 70000000
    need = 30000000
    used = maximum ss
    unused = size - used
    target = need - unused

This concludes today’s solution. But this one is a good candidate to come back to.