AoC Day 11: Monkey in the Middle

advent of code aoc2022 haskell

I solved Advent of Code day 11, “Monkey in the Middle”, at the appropriate time on December 11th. I solved it by passing the first part, reading the second, and copy-pasting my part 1 code so as to edit it into shape for part 2.

This does the job and reaps the stars. There’s only one problem.

It’s not satisfying.

It duplicates. There’s redundant code. It duplicates. There are bits of functionality that appear common to both parts, yet aren’t shared.

And bringing the code to a level where nothing is superfluous, paradoxically, required me to more than double the code size.

Let’s see where this takes us. This post is literate Haskell as usual, starting with a few imports.

import           Control.Lens
import           Control.Monad              (forM_,replicateM_)
import           Control.Monad.Primitive    (PrimMonad,PrimState)
import           Control.Monad.Reader       (MonadReader,asks,runReaderT)
import           Control.Monad.State.Strict (MonadState,evalStateT)
import           Control.Monad.ST           (runST)
import           Data.List                  (sortOn)
import           Data.List.Split            (wordsBy)
import           Data.Ord                   (Down(Down))
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import           Data.Vector.Unboxed        ((!))
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UV
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as UMV

The puzzle input is a list of monkeys, along with their most distinctive properties. I’ll split those between what will change, the “state”, and what won’t, the “environment”.

The state here is the list of items. They’re passed along from a monkey to the next, so we’ll have one container per monkey. When passing along, we address monkeys by index, so a Vector will be fine. The actual operations per monkey are just emptying their collection and appending to another one’s, element by element. Appending performance is mostly irrelevant considering the small item count, so any collection type will do; I’m using native lists for simplicity.

type St wl = V.Vector [wl]

Mmm, what is that wl type parameter?

It’s the beginning of our complications. We’ll alter item representation between parts 1 and 2, so it’s a placeholder for said representation. wl means worry level, as that’s all we know of them.

Next up, the environment. That’s the monkeys’ algorithm to shove items around.

When I coded this for part 1, this was a simple vector of wl→(Int,wl) functions that yielded the item’s new worry level and position. But which kind of worry level should the parsing return? If I want to parse only once, it will have to return something generic enough for both parts to be able to consume.

So I’ll parse to an abstract environment, that both parts will later reify to a specific type of their choosing.

data Operation = Square | Times !Int | Plus !Int
data Monkey = Monkey
  { _monkeyId   :: !Int
  , _monkeyOp   :: !Operation
  , _divisor    :: !Int
  , _monkeyThen :: !Int
  , _monkeyElse :: !Int
makeLenses ''Monkey

Parsing itself is rather uninteresting. It’s a prime example of that view pattern abuse I find so well-suited to AoC and never really use anywhere else. The important aspect of it is that it returns a perfectly generic, unparameterized type.

parse :: String -> (V.Vector Monkey,St Int)
parse input = (V.fromList itemss,V.fromList algs) where
  ms = wordsBy null (lines input)
    [ words -> ["Monkey",init -> read -> _monkeyId]
    , filter (/= ',') -> words -> "Starting":"items:":(map read -> items)
    , words -> splitAt 3 -> (["Operation:","new","="],parseOp -> _monkeyOp)
    , words -> ["Test:","divisible","by",read -> _divisor]
    , words -> ["If","true:","throw","to","monkey",read -> _monkeyThen]
    , words -> ["If","false:","throw","to","monkey",read -> _monkeyElse]
    = (Monkey{..},items)
  (itemss,algs) = unzip (monkey <$> ms)
  parseOp ["old","*","old"] = Square
  parseOp ["old","*",  n  ] = Times (read n)
  parseOp ["old","+",  n  ] = Plus  (read n)

So let’s now expand on what we’ll really consider the environment when operating the game. We want the monkeys’ testing divisors. Mostly for part 2, but having them in a dedicated location is actually helpful for part 1 as well. We obviously also want the actual function, parameterized over a generic monad-like argument for the result.

type Algorithm wl m = wl -> m (wl,Int)
type Divisors = UV.Vector Int
data Env wl m = Env
  { _divisors :: Divisors
  , _algorithms :: V.Vector (Algorithm wl m)
makeLenses ''Env

The monkey algorithms are constructed the same way for both parts, it’s only the resulting types that differ. We’ll make use of typeclass methods, prefixed wl, to differentiate.

The first half constructs the “operation” function the monkey will perform before testing:

reifyAlgorithm :: (WorryLevel wl,MonadReader Divisors m)
               => Monkey -> Algorithm wl m
reifyAlgorithm monkey =
  let o = case monkey ^. monkeyOp of
            Square  -> \x -> wlIntOp (*) x x
            Times n -> \x -> wlIntOp (*) x =<< wlFromInt n
            Plus n  -> \x -> wlIntOp (+) x =<< wlFromInt n

The second half integrates the operation with the relieving, testing, and assignment to a new monkey’s queue, and packages that into our awaited algorithm function for that monkey.

  in \wl -> do
    wl' <- wlRelieve <$> o wl
    isDivisible <- wl' `wlDivisibleTest` (monkey ^. monkeyId)
    pure (wl',monkey ^. if isDivisible then monkeyThen else monkeyElse)

It’s important to note that the reifyAlgorithm function doesn’t need the divisors: only the returned function does.

This all relies on the typeclass methods.

class WorryLevel wl where
  turnCount       :: Int
  wlRelieve       :: wl -> wl
  wlFromInt       :: MonadReader Divisors m => Int -> m wl
  wlDivisibleTest :: MonadReader Divisors m => wl -> Int -> m Bool
  wlIntOp         :: MonadReader Divisors m
                  => (Int -> Int -> Int) -> wl -> wl -> m wl

That first one is a bit special. It doesn’t depend on the typeclass parameter at all! It’s a hack to keep all of the differentiated code together.

The rest is mostly self-explaining. The last three functions have access to the divisors part of the environment. For part 1, it’s not really needed at all, though we’ll use it for wlDisivibleTest for easy access to said divisor. If there wasn’t part 2 we’d have tested directly, but this is a reasonable tradeoff.

Now the implementation, using very basic type Int.

instance WorryLevel Int where
  turnCount = 20
  wlRelieve = (`div` 3)
  wlFromInt = pure
  wlDivisibleTest wl i = asks ((== 0) . (wl `mod`) . (! i))
  wlIntOp = ((pure .) .)

They’re mostly self-explaining too, if only because the requirements are very simple and you can guess through my point-free abuse.

Let’s implement a game turn. I managed to keep this extremely generic; this comes at a price: the very long and explicit list of constraints on the resulting function.

turn :: forall wl m m'.
      ( WorryLevel wl
      , MonadReader (Env wl m') m
      , Magnify m' m Divisors (Env wl m')
      , MonadState (St wl) m
      , PrimMonad m )
     => UV.MVector (PrimState m) Int -> m ()

Let’s go through them one by one.

The WorryLevel constraint is the core one, that chooses between part 1 and part 2.

The MonadReader expresses the fact we operate in the environment we defined earlier.

The Magnify expresses the fact that reader is not convoluted enough to prevent us from presenting an inner function call with a restricted view of the environment to the divisors only.

The MonadState defines our mutable state: the items’ worry levels and positions.

The PrimMonad is our means to count how many times each monkey inspected an item using a mutable vector, provided to the function as its single argument.

The function body is a fairly straightforward transcription of the puzzle statement, with the caveat that a lot of it is compressed in that alg function we spent so much code constructing.

turn tallies = do
  algs <- view algorithms
  forM_ (V.indexed algs) $ \(i,alg) -> do
    agenda <- use (ix i)
    ix i .= []
    forM_ agenda $ \wl -> do
      UMV.modify tallies succ i
      (wl',i') <- magnify divisors (alg wl)
      ix i' %= (|> wl')

The entire game now consists of building up the environment and initial state, constructing the appropriate monad stack for all we want to be able to do, and repeatedly running the game turn we just defined. At the end, we extract the information checksum the puzzle requires from the monkey inspection tally.

monkeyBusiness :: forall wl. WorryLevel wl
               => V.Vector Monkey -> St Int -> Int
monkeyBusiness ms st0i =
  product $ take 2 $ sortOn Down $ UV.toList $ runST $ do
    let ds = UV.convert (view divisor <$> ms)
        st0 = (traverse . traverse) wlFromInt st0i ds
        env = Env ds (reifyAlgorithm <$> ms)
    ts <- UV.thaw ( (const 0) ds)
    flip evalStateT st0 $
      flip runReaderT env $
      replicateM_ (turnCount @wl) (turn @wl ts)
    UV.freeze ts

Solving for part 1 is now complete:

main :: IO ()
main = do
  (monkeys,st0) <- parse <$> getContents
  print $ monkeyBusiness @Int  monkeys st0

So, what’s left for part 2?

The problem with part 2 is that the worry levels get higher. We’re not dividing by 3 anymore, but that’s really the least of our worries. We still have 10000 rounds to go, and the operations the monkey perform range from a few insignificant (adding a small number, for 5 out of my 8 monkeys) to some scarier (multiplying by 11 or 17 for 2 out of my 8 monkeys) to a downright evil one: squaring (for the remaining monkey).

Of course the chain of monkeys an item will go through won’t be fully the one we fear, but assuming a mostly-uniform spread of handling (which seems reasonable: the additions will tend to break any prime affinity an item could have), we’re still multiplying by 11 one time out of 8, by 17 another, and squaring another.

My least worrying item is more than 50 for a start, a homogeneous sequence of those operations alone could bring it to a final value of (50×11×17)22500. Which is so large our computers don’t even have enough bits to express its size, let alone its value. Infinitely fast BigNums wouldn’t even save us here.

There are a few ways out.

What do we need the worry level for anyway? We need it to determine which monkey the item is thrown to. This has a direct influence on the inspection tallies, there’s no approximating it. How is it used to determine the next target? It’s used by a modulus test.

So we can achieve the same results by replacing that crazy-ass number by one that gives the same results modulo what the monkey is testing for.

Unfortunately, they’re all testing for a different one.

There’s two obvious ways out of this.

I’ll pick the second option, for fun. Let’s call our datatype Mods and complete our main function.

  print $ monkeyBusiness @Mods monkeys st0

newtype Mods = Mods (UV.Vector Int)

And now define the specialized operations:

instance WorryLevel Mods where
  turnCount = 10000
  wlRelieve = id
  wlFromInt i = asks (Mods . (mod i))
  wlDivisibleTest (Mods wl) i = pure (wl!i == 0)
  wlIntOp o (Mods a) (Mods b) =
    asks (Mods . UV.zipWith mod (UV.zipWith o a b))

And that’s all there is to it!

Writing this up, I did have to wonder why the current state is good enough for me, and why it’s still not perfect yet.

A lot of the imperfection is very directly related to the extremely procedurally imperative instructions we have. That and the constant tradeoff between solving one’s personal input vs solving for generic inputs.

The remainder is my choice to retain both parts’ worry level implementations, when the second one would actually work just fine for part 1. Of course, we’d need to implement turn count and relief differently, but that’s hardly an issue.

And the combination is messy: we have a fairly involved monad stack with a StateT inside to account for the imperative state management, but we also need to thread type parameters all around, and they tend to clash.

There’s also the fact for the longest time, I wanted to use statically-typed fixed vectors for anything monkey-indexed, and my puzzle input being a different size than the puzzle example made that unpolished.

So all in all… it was fun solving. It was not fun cleaning up. See you tomorrow for a puzzle that will undoubtedly get written up quicker!