AoC Day 14: Regolith Reservoir

advent of code aoc2022 haskell

In “Regolith Reservoir”, day 14 of Advent of Code, we’ll drop sand and watch it settle among rocky structures. This post is literate Haskell, starting with a few imports.

import Control.Arrow      ((&&&))
import Control.Lens       ((^.),view,_1)
import Control.Monad.Cont (callCC,lift,runContT,when)
import Control.Monad.ST   (ST,runST)
import Data.Array
import Data.Array.ST      (STUArray,thaw,readArray,writeArray)
import Data.Function      (fix)
import Data.List          (tails)
import Data.List.Split    (wordsBy)
import Data.STRef         (newSTRef,readSTRef,modifySTRef')
import Linear.V2          (V2(V2),_y)

2D vectors in a grid. The cells’ contents don’t really matter to us, all that counts is whether something’s in there, be it rock or sand.

type V = V2 Int
type Grid = Array V Bool

Half of the problem is parsing the input. It’s not the interesting part, so I won’t comment much more apart from:

parse :: String -> Grid
parse = accumArray (||) False (V2 0 0,V2 1000 500) . map (,True) .
        concatMap toPoints . concatMap (tails . parseLine) . lines
    parseLine :: String -> [V]
    parseLine = map parseV . filter (/= "->") . words

    parseV :: String -> V
    parseV (wordsBy (== ',') -> [i,j]) = V2 (read i) (read j)

    toPoints :: [V] -> [V]
    toPoints (V2 a b:V2 c d:_)
      | a == c = [ V2 a j | j <- [min b d..max b d] ]
      | b == d = [ V2 i b | i <- [min a c..max a c] ]
    toPoints _ = []

And now the real meat: filling the playing grid up with sand.

As you may have guessed from the parsing code, I’m only considering positions where \(0 \leq x \leq 1000\) and \(0 \leq y \leq 500\), as sand can’t really get outside of that pyramid-shaped mound. Whether we’re in part 1 and it overflows to the side, or in part 2 and it gobbles back up to the source, but it’s all contained therewithin1.

There’s a common trap in that kind of “follow a very specific path many times” puzzle, when the path is mostly the same from a time to the next. That is: simulating every grain’s path individually will tend to make things quadratic. Consider this: my part 2 answer is in the order of 30k. Grains don’t all follow each other, of course, but within the pyramid, the longest path can be expected to be as long as a pyramid diagonal. Area being 30k, that makes for a diagonal of about 173. (easiest to draw it to realize what’s going on)

So to trace those 30k paths, we’re looking at an algorithm that’s easily \(O(30~000×173)\), so in the order of… five millions.

Wait, is that it?

Oh well, enjoy your sneak peak into higher-level grain simulation, with a solution that’s merely linear instead of \(O(N^{3\over 2})\).2 At the expense of \(O(\sqrt N)\) (stack) space.

Part 1 asks for the number of grains of sand to settle before the first overflow. Part 2 asks for the number of grains of sand to settle before the starting position is taken. Which is another kind of overflow, though less pictorial. So, really, we’re counting grain, until some kind of event decides we’re not anymore.

I’ll implement that mostly in the ST s monad, filling in a mutable grid as we pour sand in, updating an STRef with the count of grain.

To allow for interruption, I’ll transform the monad with ContT. The exit gateway will be a simple “just return what’s in the sand counter”.

The core of the algorithm will be to consider the flow not as a repetition of some kind of “let a new grain of sand fall” operation. But instead see it as “infinitely fill up the grid with sand falling from this location”.

Let’s see how this goes.

simulate :: Bool -> Grid -> Int

We’re taking a flag and a grid in, and return the number of grains of sand we successfully settled before something bad happened. The flag is obviously “is this part 1 or 2?” but its definition can be refined as “do we simulate a floor?” In which case we’ll immediately wonder: “where is it?”

simulate haveFloor g0 = runST $ do
  let floorLevel = maximum (view (_1 . _y) <$> filter snd (assocs g0)) + 2

We’re in ST s. Let’s thaw our grid and initialize our sand counter.

  g <- thaw g0 :: ST s (STUArray s V Bool)
  count <- newSTRef 0

We want easy interruptibility. We don’t really care about any value the deeper stack could bring up, we’re only couting sand. Through the STRef counter we just defined. So that’s all our ContT handler will yield.

  flip runContT (const (readSTRef count)) $ callCC $ \exit ->

For every new position we want the sand to pour from, we recursively call go. Starting from the initial pour position \((500,0)\).

    flip fix (V2 500 0) $ \go p -> do

Adding sand lower than the floor level means we overflowed. So exit.

      when (p ^. _y > floorLevel) (exit ())

Ok, so we’re above ground. Still, we’d better check if we’re trying to flow someplace that’s already taken.

      blocked <- lift (readArray g p)

This is the specific place we operate differently between part 1 and part 2. Obviously we only try to add sand if the spot is free, but more importantly we also limit that to when either there is no floor (part 1) or we’re above it.

      when (not blocked && (not haveFloor || p ^. _y < floorLevel)) $ do

Our spot is free. First choice is to spill downwards.

        go (p + V2 0 1)

Once spilling downwards is complete, as literally as to return control flow here, we can assume the spot one cell lower to be full, so we spill leftwards.

        go (p + V2 (-1) 1)

And then rightwards.

        go (p + V2 1 1)

We’ve filled the lower layer, at least downwards and diagonally downwards. It’s time to fill up the current spot then let the recursion take care of whatever upper or upper-derived spots there may be.

So fill it up and count one.

        lift (writeArray g p True)
        lift (modifySTRef' count succ)

It’s worth taking a second to understand what’s happening in both parts’ cases.

For part 1, we’re waiting for overflow. We do not have a floor, so the algorihtm will escape as soon as a grain reaches a Y coordinate below the virtual floor level.

For part 2, there’s no interruption. We’re done once our grain-feeding algorithm completes. Since each level has a maximum branching factor of 3 and necessarily completes since there’s a lower bound on Y coordinates, it has to complete. There’s obviously a large overlap between sublevels’ positions, so the complexity is not as bad as \(O(N^{3\over 3})\).3 If you’ve been following the geometrical picture, you already know it’s \(O(N)\).4

To wrap both parts, a simple main will do.

main :: IO ()
main = interact $ show . (simulate False &&& simulate True) . parse

There’s a fair amount of runtime overlap between both parts. Namely, part 1 is a strict subset: the first grain of sand that overflowss off part 1 to complete it would be the first grain to settle on the floor for part 2.

I’m not grouping the flows just now as my times are not only well beneath a second, but also part 1’s time is negligible with respect to part 2’s.

And… this concludes today’s problem! See you tomorrow!

  1. And that’s definitely not a word I use everyday.↩︎

  2. You’re very allowed to remind me what the adjective for that is.↩︎

  3. That’s \(O(\sqrt N)\) (the average path length) to the third (branching factor) power.↩︎

  4. This seems like the most appropriate place to remind \(N\) here is the output order of magnitude, so a square root of any of the input’s 2D coordinates. It’s a constant factor away from the number of sand grains poured in. It’s notably not proportional to the input size, since it is so efficiently encoded.↩︎