AoC Day 16: Proboscidea Volcanium

advent of code aoc2022 haskell

Advent of Code today, “Proboscidea Volcanium”, has us explore a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. It’s one of those graph exploration puzzles of the year I enjoyed the most, as it appears to have been globally difficult, but I felt in tune with the author’s vision and had no trouble solving cleanly. The polar opposite of day 19.

Keeping with usual practice, this post is literate Haskell, starting with a few imports.

import Control.Arrow               ((***))
import Control.Applicative         (liftA2)
import Control.Monad               (guard,forM_,when)
import Data.Array.ST               (runSTUArray,newArray,writeArray,readArray)
import Data.Array.Unboxed          (Ix,UArray,(!),assocs,bounds,elems,indices,listArray)
import Data.Bits                   ((.&.),bit,testBit,setBit)
import Data.Char                   (isDigit)
import Data.Graph                  (Graph,graphFromEdges,vertices)
import Data.List                   (sort)

In the end, this will be entirely solved using integers and integer arrays. So while my live code just went with them, let’s start cleaner and give them type names.

type Rate = Int
type GraphNode = (Rate,String,[String])

I’ll use our usual AoC-grade ViewPattern parsing, and delegate the graph’s adjacency lists’ construction to the standard library. I preprocess input by sorting the lines as a little hack to ensure our starting point, AA, ends up in known index 0.

parse :: String -> (Graph,Int -> GraphNode)
parse (lines -> sort -> ls) = (g,v2n) where
    (words -> ( "Valve" : name : "has" : "flow" : (readRate -> rate)
              : _tunnels : _leads : "to" : _valves
              : (map (filter (/= ',')) -> vs))) =
  readRate = read . takeWhile isDigit . dropWhile (not . isDigit)
  (g,v2n,_) = graphFromEdges (valve <$> ls)

That adjacency list representation is a good start, but it’s not the core problem structure. Most of the valves (nodes) are utterly uninteresting from an exploration point of view: they release no pressure at all. Their sole role is to make it take longer to go from useful valve A to useful valve B. My puzzle input is 59 valves long, of which only 15 are useful, so the nuance is significant.

So I’ll first convert the graph to an adjacency matrix representation, a 2D array of valve-to-valve shortest path distances, coupled with a lookup table of individual valves’ release rates. Using the classic Floyd-Warshall algorithm for efficient all-pairs shortest paths, which I won’t expand on too much here.

newtype Valve = Valve Int deriving (Eq,Ord,Ix)
type ValveRate = UArray Valve Rate
type Dist = Int
type DistMap = UArray (Valve,Valve) Dist

compress :: Graph -> (Int -> GraphNode) -> (ValveRate,DistMap)
compress g v2n = (valveRate,floydWarshall) where
  vs = vertices g
  nodeValue (v,_,_) = v
  valveRate = listArray ((Valve *** Valve) (bounds g))
                (nodeValue . v2n <$> vs)
  floydWarshall = runSTUArray $ do
    let (l,h) = bounds g
    fw <- newArray ((Valve l,Valve l),(Valve h,Valve h)) (maxBound `div` 2)
    forM_ vs $ \i -> do
      forM_ (g ! i) $ \j -> writeArray fw (Valve i,Valve j) 1
      writeArray fw (Valve i,Valve i) 0
    forM_ vs $ \k -> forM_ vs $ \i -> forM_ vs $ \j -> do
      prev <- readArray fw (Valve i,Valve j)
      candidate <- liftA2 (+)
                     (readArray fw (Valve i,Valve k))
                     (readArray fw (Valve k,Valve j))
      when (candidate < prev) $ writeArray fw (Valve i,Valve j) candidate
    pure fw

That adjacency matrix was the point when I verified the input graph was indeed connected enough that every valve is reachable from every other. Which may feel safer from a “getting lost” point of view, but will tend to make the search combinatorics big. So something to be aware of.

I’ll then simplify the graph representation to eliminate all irrelevant valves. So we’re keeping only our starting point and the valves with a non-null release rate. I’m shifting the starting valve’s index down to  − 1 as a tweak to have the useful valves start from 0. This will make for cleaner code when we’ll start using them as bit indices.

simplify :: ValveRate -> DistMap -> (ValveRate,DistMap)
simplify valveRate dist = (valveRate',dist') where
  keep = Valve 0 : filter ((> 0) . (valveRate !)) (indices valveRate)
  v'min = Valve (-1)
  v'max = Valve (length keep - 2)
  valveRate' = listArray (v'min,v'max) ((valveRate !) <$> keep)
  dist' = listArray ((v'min,v'min),(v'max,v'max))
            (liftA2 (curry (dist !)) keep keep)

(This is something I’m only doing now to provide a clean view. When I initially got my stars, I just wedged a reindexing table between bitsets and adjacency matrices, which was cumbersome and somewhat error-prone.)

With all of that set up, now’s the time to actually search through.

A bit of groundwork is in order. What class of search algorithm is appropriate here?

We’re looking for the maximum total released pressure in a fixed time frame. The total released pressure can be expressed as the sum of the opened valves’ release rates weighted by how long they’ll have been open. So the order in which we open them is crucial.

And that’s scary: the number of orderings is O(N!). Even for a small figure such as my input’s 15, that’s still a borderline order of magnitude in the billions.

What saves us here is the graph structure. Remember all those useless valves? They serve to space out the useful ones. We have a limited time to walk around, 30 minutes in part 1 and 26 in part 2, and the average distance between two useful valves is more than 1, so we’re likely never really going to have paths that long.

The uncomfortable truth is that it’s still tricky to estimate whether it’ll be enough to work. But at least we have hope. Let’s explore!

type Time = Dist
newtype ValveSet = ValveSet Int deriving (Eq,Ord,Ix)
type Pressure = Rate
type ReleaseMap = UArray ValveSet Pressure

I’ll use a DFS for simplicity, the agenda queue being reified directly in the call stack. To avoid looping, I’ll maintain a closed set of valves already opened.1 That closed set can double to remember the best total released pressure observed with such a set of opened valves, which we can then construct puzzle answers from. (A single set of opened valves tends to have multiple possible total released pressure counts because we may have opened them in different orders.) Since the starting valve is never to be opened, I’ll perform the cutoffs and decisions to go or not before recursing, which may be somewhat unusual for a typical DFS. But I’ll expand inline.

dfs :: ValveRate -> DistMap -> Time -> ReleaseMap

Take as arguments our valve release rate lookup table, our distance matrix, and the allocated time, which varies between parts 1 and 2. Return the aforementioned map of best releases by opened set.

dfs valveRate dist time = runSTUArray $ do

Partition our valves between the starting point and the destination ones we’ll explore. They really are separate: we never intend to return to the starting point since there is no pressure to be released there.

  let valveStart : valveTargets = indices valveRate

Initialize our result map with an initial value of 0 total released pressure.

  res <- newArray (vsEmpty,vsFull (length valveTargets)) 0

Now program the recursive search. It takes as parameters the closed set2, the current valve position, the remaining time and the current total released pressure.

What does “current total released pressure” even mean? Well, since we’re exploring from the start position forward, we always know how much remaining time we have, so we always know how much any valve we open will contribute to the total released pressure in the end, even if our exploration hasn’t reached the end yet. This saves us from having to follow each individual path to the end: any valve we reach immediately yields a candidate best result.

  let go cl v t p = do

From our current position, what other yet-unopened valves are reachable?3

        forM_ (filter (not . (`vsMember` cl)) valveTargets) $ \v' -> do

Let’s walk there and open it. And deduct the time that takes from the remaining time we have.

          let t' = t - dist!(v,v') - 1

If there’s no time left after that, there’s no observable contribution to the bottom line, so we can cut off immediately.

          when (t' > 0) $ do

Aggregate the valve’s contribution to total pressure release, and save it if it improves over what we previously had for this opened valve set.

            let p' = p + t' * valveRate!v'
                cl' = vsInsert v' cl
            writeArray res cl' . max p' =<< readArray res cl'

And recurse from there!

            go cl' v' t' p'

Initialize the search, run it and return the results.

  go vsEmpty valveStart time 0
  pure res

In part 1, things are simple: we’re looking for the most pressure we can release during those 30 minutes, so we can directly compute it from the map our search returns.

part1,part2 :: ReleaseMap -> Pressure
part1 = maximum . elems

This is also when we can verify that our search was indeed feasible. And it was! My deepest reachable path opened 9 valves, which is much better than the feared worst case of the entire 15.

In part 2, we have fewer allocated minutes, but we’re allowed two concurrent agents.

This is trickier. The first half of it is easier: running the same search with a time limit of 26 reduces the deepest reachable path to 8 valves, which is likely a 15-fold speed boost. On the other hand, that would only return the smaller total pressure release we’re bound to get with less time, while the puzzle asks us for the bigger total pressure release we’re striving to achieve by parallelizing work.

So how do we parallelize?

The core performance issue doing things properly is that while duplicating the number of positions explored at once will obviously have a better rate of opening valves, it’s also going to result in a combinatorial explosion of search states. Consider this: the part 1 space empirically consisted of an up-to-9-bits-out-of-15 closed set, one position out of 15, and a fuzzily discrete remaining time. For part 2 we have a full 15-bit closed set, two positions, and a higher-density fuzzily discrete remaining time. Abstracting over the fuzzy remaining time, that’s still a 20% increase for the closed set and a 15-fold increase in positions.


That’s absolutely not as intractable as I thought it was when I got my stars. The only real issue is managing position/time state, since with the current representation most of the time an agent will be between two valves.

Anyhow. There’s a better way.

We were already able to explore the entire search space with a single agent, and that space is even smaller with the reduced minutes. The process to release the maximum total pressure is going to have both agents open non-overlapping subsets of the valves. (If both attempt to open the same valve, the 1 minute it takes to open it is wasted for one of the agents, who could have used it to try to go and open another one. Seen differently: if we count the agents’ individual contribution to total pressure released, this double opening could only be taken into account for one of them.)

But before we computed the maximum in part 1, we happened to know the total pressure released for any subset of valves reachable by a single agent! With that information available, it’s trivial to run a nested loops search in there for subsets that have no overlap!

Sadly, it’s also quadratic. But the figures are small enough that it works (I have a few thousand pre-squaring).

part2 m = maximum $ do
  let cls = filter ((> 0) . snd) (assocs m)
  (ValveSet cl1,p1) <- cls
  (ValveSet cl2,p2) <- cls
  guard (cl1 .&. cl2 == 0)
  pure (p1 + p2)

And that’s all there is to it. A small wrapper to bind it all:

main :: IO ()
main = do
  (vr,d) <- uncurry simplify . uncurry compress . parse <$> getContents
  print $ part1 $ dfs vr d 30
  print $ part2 $ dfs vr d 26

And a little type-supporting code for completeness.

vsEmpty :: ValveSet
vsEmpty = ValveSet 0

vsFull :: Int -> ValveSet
vsFull size = ValveSet (bit size - 1)

vsMember :: Valve -> ValveSet -> Bool
vsMember (Valve b) (ValveSet bs) = bs `testBit` b

vsInsert :: Valve -> ValveSet -> ValveSet
vsInsert (Valve b) (ValveSet bs) = ValveSet (bs `setBit` b)

This concludes today’s solution, which is a strong contender for being my favorite puzzle of the year. See you tomorrow!

  1. This is valve opening looping we’re talking about. Visiting a valve on the way to another one is still possible, it just happens to be hidden behind our Floyd-Warshall adjacency matrix.↩︎

  2. Closed in the graph search meaning of “not open for exploration anymore”. Of course, in the present case, it means “of valves we already opened”. I’d be curious to know if Eric did that on purpose.↩︎

  3. Disregarding whether they’re opened yet, they happend to all be reachable in the puzzle inputs, but the code would work in the other case too: the big distance we used in Floyd-Warshall as an initial “unreachable” value would simply be detected as bringing us over time in the next step.↩︎