AoC Day 17: Pyroclastic Flow

advent of code aoc2022 haskell

In today’s Advent of Code puzzle, “Pyroclastic Flow”, we’re playing a bastardized, depressing “game” of Tetris. Bastardized because there’s no rotation; depressing because there’s no winning. The saving grace is there’s no playing either, all we get to do is watch.

Let’s write some imports to maintain our strict literate Haskell tradition going.

import           Control.Applicative        (liftA2)
import           Control.Arrow              ((&&&),(>>>))
import           Control.Lens               (makeLenses,makeWrapped,Lens',(^.),(%=),(.=),(+=),(+~),(.~),use,uses,view,zoom,_Wrapped)
import           Control.Monad              (replicateM_)
import           Control.Monad.Reader       (Reader,runReader,fix)
import           Control.Monad.State.Strict (MonadState,StateT,evalStateT,execStateT,get,modify)
import           Data.Array                 (Array,(!),bounds,listArray)
import           Data.Bits                  (setBit)
import           Data.Function              ((&),on)
import           Data.List                  (foldl',groupBy)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
import           Data.Word                  (Word8)
import qualified Linear

This puzzle wasn’t really hard to solve or get stars for. What’s trickier now is solving it while keeping some minimum viable mathematical rigor. And it’ll be slower too, both in coding time and runtime. Oh well.

What makes our puzzle unique is its input: the bitstream of left/right values the cave’s jet pattern loops on. Part 1 could be nicely solved with it stored in an infinite list, but I’ll save it to an array to ease part 2 later on. We’ll remember where we are by maintaining a clock for it.

newtype Pattern = Pattern (Array Int Char)
makeWrapped ''Pattern

parse :: String -> Pattern
parse pats = Pattern (listArray (0,length pats - 1) pats)

As is common this year, I’ll use the linear package to implement coordinates. As is less common this year, I’ll use positive X coordinates to go up and positive Y coordinates to go right. Y going right doesn’t really matter except for strict statement interpretation. On the other hand, X going up strongly risks being confusing for everybody. So I’ll rename them i for up and j for horizontal.

type V = Linear.V2 Int
v :: Int -> Int -> V
v = Linear.V2
_i,_j :: Linear.R2 t => Lens' (t a) a
_i = Linear._x; _j = Linear._y

To reduce risk of error while consuming the clocked jet pattern, I’ll package it up in a small utility.

nextDir :: StateT Int (Reader Pattern) V
nextDir = do
  (l,h) <- bounds <$> view _Wrapped
  let np = h - l + 1
  p <- liftA2 (!) (view _Wrapped) get
  modify $ (`mod` np) . succ
  pure $ case p of
    '<' -> v 0 (-1)
    '>' -> v 0   1

The falling rocks are just a list of coordinates. I’ll index them so the lowest point is on i = 0 and the leftmost on j = 0. Shapes and their sequence are known in advance.

type Shape = [V]

dash,plus,ell,eye,square :: Shape
dash = [v 0 0,v 0 1,v 0 2,v 0 3]
plus = [v 0 1,v 1 0,v 2 1,v 1 2,v 1 1]
ell = [v 0 0,v 0 1,v 0 2,v 1 2,v 2 2]
eye = [v 0 0,v 1 0,v 2 0,v 3 0]
square = [v 0 0,v 0 1,v 1 0,v 1 1]

nShapes :: Int
nShapes = 5

shapes :: Array Int Shape
shapes = listArray (0,nShapes-1) [dash,plus,ell,eye,square]

The cave is a tall narrow rectangle. It’s vertically unbounded, so I’ll represent it as a set. For the same reason, it’ll start with a floor, but for lateral walls we’ll just remember to check for collision by coordinates instead of by set lookup.

type Cave = Set.Set V

cave0 :: Cave
cave0 = Set.fromList [ v 0 i | i <- [0..6] ]

The main operation we’ll perform on a cave is query its current height. Since we put the floor on i = 0, the height is merely the i coordinate in the set. Which necessarily exists since the set doesn’t start empty.

(This is why we want the vector’s first coordinate to be vertical: fast access to the highest element.)

height :: Cave -> Int
height = view _i . maximum

Now let’s combine all of this to make a rock fall. Still operating on a state monad over the jet pattern index.

fallRock :: Cave -> Shape -> StateT Int (Reader Pattern) Cave

Falling works in an alternating sequence of atomic moves: pushes due to the jets and falls due to gravity. We start with a push.

fallRock cave shape = push startPos where

Starting position is a function of the cave’s current highest element: 4 positions higher to provide the requested spacing, and 2 units off the left wall.

  startPos :: V
  startPos = maximum cave & _i +~ 4 & _j .~ 2

Moves apply some geometric translation to the shape, check for collision, then decide on an outcome. We can factor that.

  attemptMove f success failure pos = do
    let pos' = f pos
        shape' = (pos' +) <$> shape
    if all (liftA2 (&&) (>= 0) (< 7) . view _j) shape'
       && all (`Set.notMember` cave) shape'
      then success pos'
      else failure pos

So then pushes consume the next direction from the jet pattern, and attempt such a horizontal move. Whether the move succeeds or not, the flow proceeds to fall.

  push pos = do
    dir <- nextDir
    attemptMove (+ dir) fall fall pos

Falls just attempt moving 1 unit down. Successes trigger a new cycle; failure assimilates the rock into the cave for the next round.

  fall = attemptMove (+ v (-1) 0) push stop
  stop pos = pure $ foldl' (flip Set.insert) cave ((pos +) <$> shape)

Let’s expand our state a bit. We’ve only been using the jet pattern clock up to now. Let’s add a shape clock, the current cave representation, and another statistic we’ll use later in part 2.

data St = St
  { _shapeClock :: !Int
  , _patternClock :: !Int
  , _curCave :: !Cave
  , _maxFall :: !Int
st0 :: St
st0 = St { _shapeClock = 0, _patternClock = 0, _curCave = cave0, _maxFall = 0 }
makeLenses ''St

Same as we did for the jet pattern, we can wrap the next shape’s consumption in a small function.

nextShape :: MonadState St m => m Shape
nextShape = do
  clock <- use shapeClock
  shapeClock += 1
  pure $ shapes ! (clock `mod` nShapes)

And combine all of the above into a single step function.1

fallNextRock :: StateT St (Reader Pattern) ()
fallNextRock = do
  cave <- use curCave
  shape <- nextShape
  cave' <- zoom patternClock (fallRock cave shape)
  curCave .= cave'

Nothing more’s needed for part 1. A bit of point-free abuse because it’s Advent, and the result drops in.

part1 :: Int -> Pattern -> Int
part1 =
  runReader .
  fmap (height . view curCave) .
  flip execStateT st0 .
  flip replicateM_ fallNextRock

For part 2, simulating all of those steps is going to be too long. But our useful state is small enough that at some point, we’re bound to be doing the same thing as we did before, so we can detect a loop and factor it out.

On what parts of state does the future depend? The two clocks, shape and jet pattern, are a start, but strictly speaking are not enough: the number of jet pushes a single rock will consume depends on what it will encounter on its way down.

Now the cave is narrow. Intuitively, though its starting state “empty” is very different from its cruise speed state, at some point, there just aren’t so many different ways to prevent a rock from falling down, and it’s very likely the loop will form.

While initially solving it for the stars, I simply waited for the first time a clock combination was revisited for the first time, and assumed the next clock loop found after that would be a full state loop.

Doing it cleanly now, we’ll actually check a rock in the same jet pattern state as previously also falls upon the same save. Or at least, the part of the cave that matters.

Which part is that? It’s the part the falling rock can “interact with”, so its falling trajectory. Tracking that strictly is a bit of a pain, but we can simplify by expanding to the entire section of the cave, left to right, over the entire height of its fall.

But shapes won’t all have the same fall height! So we’ll consider the top section of the cave over the maximum fall height we’ve observed up to now. Let’s start tracking that:

fallNextRock' :: StateT St (Reader Pattern) ()
fallNextRock' = do
  prev <- use patternClock
  fall <- subtract (prev + 1) <$> use patternClock
  maxFall %= max fall

A rock’s fall height is the difference in pattern clocks around its fall, minus one since in a sequence there’s always one more jet push than successful gravity falls.

We’ll serialize the top section of the cave over however many levels we’re going to end up using.2 The cave is 7 positions wide, so it packs nicely into a Word8.

serializeTop :: Int -> Cave -> V.Vector Word8
serializeTop h =
  Set.toDescList                                  >>>
  groupBy ((==) `on` view _i)                     >>>
  map (foldl' (\bs p -> bs `setBit` (p ^. _j)) 0) >>>
  V.fromListN h

And we can start implementing part 2 proper. We start with the same monad stack:

part2 :: Int -> Pattern -> Int
part2 target =
  runReader $ flip evalStateT st0 $

To track loops, we’ll maintain a map of key to current height. The key being the two clocks and the serialized top of the cave. It may seem scary that the tops of caves in the map won’t all have the same size. It’s not a problem in practice: we’ll merely catch the cycle a bit later, after the max observed fall height stabilizes.3

  flip fix Map.empty $ \loop cl -> do
    clock <- use shapeClock
    let k1 = clock `mod` nShapes
    k2 <- use patternClock
    k3 <- serializeTop <$> uses maxFall (subtract 2) <*> use curCave
    let key = (k1,k2,k3)

I’m subtracting two from the max fall height. This is the three top empty positions the rock falls across, minus the bottom landing position the rock doesn’t fall across, but has to count as being there for the state.

    h <- uses curCave height
    case Map.lookup key cl of
      Nothing -> do
        loop (Map.insert key (clock,h) cl)
      Just (clock0,h0) -> do
        let (q,r) = (target - clock) `divMod` (clock - clock0)
        replicateM_ r fallNextRock
        h' <- uses curCave height
        pure $ h' + q * (h - h0)

A simple wrapper to call it all. (head . words is a hack to not be too sensitive to whether or not my input has a newline at the end.)

main :: IO ()
main = interact $
  show . (part1 2022 &&& part2 1000000000000) . parse . head . words

This concludes today’s solution. See you tomorrow!

  1. If anyone knows how to massage the code into a single %= on curCave instead of the current get, operate, put sequence, I’d like to know too. Swapping the order of arguments to fallRock is a likely start, but definitely not enough.↩︎

  2. In my case, 38. Which is a lot more than my intuition would have guessed.↩︎

  3. It’s tempting to assume a change in max observed height implies a different state. That isn’t the case. There could very well be a loop between clock states whose individual rocks have a very short fall, with high-fall rocks in-between. It’s the price of having simplified the observed state to the max fall height!↩︎