The Advent of Code puzzle of the day, “Boiling Boulders”, has us measure a chunk of lava in different ways. In literate Haskell as usual.
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Lens ((+~),view)
import Data.Ix (inRange)
import Data.List (partition)
import Data.List.Split (wordsBy)
import Linear (V3(V3),_x,_y,_z,basis)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
We’re doing 3D. Whee!
type V = V3 Int
Parsing is easy today.
parse :: String -> Set V
= Set.fromList . map v . lines where
parse == ',') -> map read -> [i,j,k]) = V3 i j k v (wordsBy (
Part 1 has us measure the chunk’s outside area. Outside being locally defined as “has no cube of lava glued on there”.
A raw cube has an area of 6; we could remove 1 per cube that’s in contact, but that’s kind of wasteful when we could remove 2 per cube that’s in contact, but only on a single direction per axis. I’ll do it with set operations for the fun of it.
part1 :: Set V -> Int
= 2 * (3 * Set.size lava - disp _x - disp _y - disp _z) where
part1 lava = Set.size ((Set.intersection =<< (Set.mapMonotonic (l +~ 1))) lava) disp l
For part 2, we can’t locally observe whether a non-covered square is to the inside or outside, so we’ll need a more holistic approach.
I’ll simply flood-fill a bounding box around our chunk and count blocks as external surface. Using a simple DFS as a driver.
part2 :: Set V -> Int
= part2 lava
First compute the bounding box, and paranoidly extend it by one in every direction just in case the puzzle input attempted to block us along some plane.
let extrema l = (pred . minimum &&& succ . maximum) ( (view l) lava)
= extrema <$> [_x,_y,_z]
[(xmin,xmax),(ymin,ymax),(zmin,zmax)] = (V3 xmin ymin zmin,V3 xmax ymax zmax) boundingBox
Then DFS from a point known to be outside. Such as a corner of our extended bounding box.
= basis ++ map negate basis
neighbors !acc = acc
dfs _ [] :ps) acc
dfs cl (p| p `Set.member` cl = dfs cl ps acc
| otherwise = dfs cl' ps' acc' where
= Set.insert p cl
cl' = filter (inRange boundingBox) ((p +) <$> neighbors)
ns = partition (`Set.member` lava) ns
(surface,void) = filter (`Set.notMember` cl) void ++ ps
ps' = acc + length surface
acc' in dfs Set.empty [V3 xmin ymin zmin] 0
And that’s it. Just a little wrapper to have it stand alone.
main :: IO ()
= interact $ show . (part1 &&& part2) . parse main
This puzzle was orders of magnitude easier than what’s around. Nice breather. See you tomorrow!