AoC Day 19: Not Enough Minerals

advent of code aoc2022 haskell

In today’s Advent of Code puzzle “Not Enough Minerals”, we’re optimizing robot construction so as to crack as many geodes as possible in the alloted time, Whatever that means.

This is a prime candidate for my least favorite puzzle of the year, as I really suck at this kind of impure heuristic-tuning OR task. Let it be known that the code I’m presenting here is pretty far removed from the dog slow horror that got me my stars.

Oh well. Here a few imports, to get the literate Haskell ball rolling.

import           Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import           Control.Lens        (makeLenses,Getter,Lens',(<&>),(&)
import           Data.Foldable       (foldl',traverse_)
import           Control.Monad       (guard)
import           Data.Bifunctor      (first)
import           Data.Maybe          (catMaybes,mapMaybe,maybeToList)
import           Linear              ((*^))

The set of minerals is four-dimensional. We’ll only be storing Ints, but I’m making it generic so I can have an easy Applicative instance and perform bulk operations on them.

data Minerals a = Minerals
  { _ore      :: !a
  , _clay     :: !a
  , _obsidian :: !a
  , _geode    :: !a
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Functor)
type Mineral = Lens' (Minerals Int) Int
makeLenses ''Minerals

The blueprint is the factory settings, that determines our graph’s structure by assigning different costs to the various robots. The last field, caps, is the visible part of a first search-space-reducing heuristic: there is no point in building more robots for a certain type of mineral than we can consume in a single turn. Since its figures are constant within a blueprint, I’m storing it along.

data BluePrint = BluePrint
  { _bpId                   :: !Int
  , _oreRobotOreCost        :: !Int
  , _clayRobotOreCost       :: !Int
  , _obsidianRobotOreCost   :: !Int
  , _obsidianRobotClayCost  :: !Int
  , _geodeRobotOreCost      :: !Int
  , _geodeRobotObsidianCost :: !Int
  , _caps                   :: !(Minerals Int)
type Cost = Getter BluePrint Int
makeLenses ''BluePrint

Parsing a blueprint will use our same old AoC-style optimistic view. That has the benefit of closely verifying that indeed, though the robot costs themselves may change, the cost structure—which specific minerals are needed—is very static.

parseBP :: String -> BluePrint
parseBP (words ->
         [ "Blueprint",init -> read -> _bpId
         , "Each","ore","robot","costs", read -> _oreRobotOreCost,"ore."
         , "Each","clay","robot","costs", read -> _clayRobotOreCost,"ore."
         , "Each","obsidian","robot","costs",read -> _obsidianRobotOreCost,"ore"
         , "and",read -> _obsidianRobotClayCost,"clay."
         , "Each","geode","robot","costs",read -> _geodeRobotOreCost,"ore"
         , "and",read -> _geodeRobotObsidianCost,"obsidian."
  = let _caps = Minerals oreCap clayCap obsidianCap maxBound
        oreCap = maximum
          [ _oreRobotOreCost
          , _clayRobotOreCost
          , _obsidianRobotOreCost
          , _geodeRobotOreCost
        clayCap = _obsidianRobotClayCost
        obsidianCap = _geodeRobotObsidianCost
    in BluePrint{..}

A state will be a vector of minerals in stock, and a vector of robots we’ve already built.

data St = St
  { _stock  :: !(Minerals Int)
  , _robots :: !(Minerals Int)
  deriving (Eq,Ord)
makeLenses ''St

We start with nothing but an ore robot.

st0 :: St
st0 = St 0 0 & robots . ore .~ 1

I’ll implement some form of search. It’s mostly a DFS. But without going as far as remembering and excluding already-visited states. And with a branch-and-bound margin improvement cutoff.

I’ve tried a lot of variations, and this is the one that ends up fastest with my codebase. It’s all pure intellectual masturbation at this point anyway: when debating the best algorithm for the subject requires having a terminating one to compare against, the puzzle is solved before we even begin. Such are the joys of OR…

maxGeodes :: Int -> BluePrint -> Int
maxGeodes deadline bp = go [(deadline,st0)] 0 where
  go [] !best = best
  go ((remaining,st):q') !best =

My improvement cutoff function verifies that a state could beat the current known score—the number of geodes at timeout. It does this by adding the count of geodes already cracked open with the number of geodes that can’t fail to produce—the number of geode robots times the remaining time—, and an optimistic bound of how many geodes we’d crack open if we reached the theoretical optimum of building a geode-cracking robot per turn.

        let mayImprove (remaining',st') = do
              let score = st' ^. stock.geode +
                       remaining' * st' ^. robots.geode
              guard (score + remaining' * (remaining'-1) `div` 2 > best)
              pure (score,(remaining',st'))

Expand the nodes. First check, for each robot type, when if ever it can first be build.

            (best',q'') =
                [ futureRobot bp st geode geodeRobotOreCost
                    (Just (geodeRobotObsidianCost,obsidian))
                , futureRobot bp st obsidian obsidianRobotOreCost
                    (Just (obsidianRobotClayCost,clay))
                , futureRobot bp st clay clayRobotOreCost Nothing
                , futureRobot bp st ore oreRobotOreCost Nothing
                ]                       &

Convert duration to remaining time.

              map (first (remaining -)) &

Cull insufficient remaining times. We can afford to require 1 instead of 0 here, as completing a geode exactly at the end of the alloted time still won’t produce its first one in time to make a dent in the total score.

              filter ((>= 1) . fst)     &

Reduce search space by clamping state values to sensible maxima.

              map (clamp bp)            &

Ensure expanded states have margin for improvement.

              mapMaybe mayImprove       &

Aggregate best observed score for further cutoff.

              unzip & first (maximum . (best :))

And recurse!

        in go (q'' ++ q') best'

The state clamping function will limit states to stockpiling enough minerals to build the most expensive robot once per turn per consumed mineral.

clamp :: BluePrint -> (Int,St) -> (Int,St)
clamp bp (t,st) =
  (t, st
      & stock.ore %~ min (t*maximum[ bp^.oreRobotOreCost
                                   , bp^.clayRobotOreCost
                                   , bp^.obsidianRobotOreCost
                                   , bp^.geodeRobotOreCost ])
      & stock.clay %~ min (t * bp^.obsidianRobotClayCost)
      & stock.obsidian %~ min (t * bp^.geodeRobotObsidianCost)

State expansion computes the smallest duration before a robot can be built. It first cuts off any attempt to build past the robot caps computed earlier.

{-# INLINE futureRobot #-}
futureRobot :: BluePrint -> St -> Mineral -> Cost -> Maybe (Cost,Mineral)
            -> Maybe (Int,St)
futureRobot bp st mineral oreCost costMineral =
  guard (st^.robots.mineral < bp^.caps.mineral) *>

It then verifies we actually have robots producing the category of minerals required. Note this isn’t needed for ore, as we start with one of those.

  traverse_ (\(_,r) -> guard (st^.robots.r > 0)) costMineral *>

The needed time is then a rounded-up quotient of requirements by production. There’s always a computation for ore, and optionally one for a second mineral.

  let t = maybe id
          (\(c,r) -> max ((bp^.c - st^.stock.r) `divC` (st^.robots.r)))
          costMineral $
          (bp^.oreCost - st^.stock.ore) `divC` (st^.robots.ore)

The successor state is then computed, by increasing resource count by the production over that time, paying for the robot, and registering its creation.

  in pure ( t + 1
          , foldl' (&) st
            ( (stock +~ (t+1) *^ (st^.robots))
              : (robots.mineral +~ 1)
              : (stock.ore -~ bp^.oreCost)
              : maybeToList (costMineral <&>
                             (\(c,r) -> (stock.r) -~ (bp^.c)))

A small helper for rounded-up (“ceiling”) division.

divC :: Int -> Int -> Int
divC dividend divisor = max 0 ((dividend + divisor - 1) `div` divisor)

Parts 1 and 2 are mostly the same thing. Just a different checksum function, and a bit of input filtering for part 2.

part1,part2 :: [BluePrint] -> Int
part1 = sum . map ((*) <$> view bpId <*> maxGeodes 24)
part2 = product . map (maxGeodes 32) . take 3

Here’s a main wrapper for a standalone executable.

main :: IO ()
main = interact $
  unlines . sequence [show . part1,show . part2] . map parseBP . lines

The rest of the code is the boilerplate needed1 to be able to express resource creation in a single line as we did above. It’s obviously not worth it, right?

instance Applicative Minerals where
  pure a = Minerals a a a a
  {-# INLINE pure #-}
  Minerals a b c d <*> Minerals e f g h = Minerals (a e) (b f) (c g) (d h)
  {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}

instance Num a => Num (Minerals a) where
  (+) = liftA2 (+)
  {-# INLINE (+) #-}
  (-) = liftA2 (-)
  {-# INLINE (-) #-}
  (*) = liftA2 (*)
  {-# INLINE (*) #-}
  negate = fmap negate
  {-# INLINE negate #-}
  abs = fmap abs
  {-# INLINE abs #-}
  signum = fmap signum
  {-# INLINE signum #-}
  fromInteger = pure . fromInteger
  {-# INLINE fromInteger #-}

Anyhow, that’s it for today. I hate those OR-minded AoC puzzles with a passion, but I do feel I’m getting slightly better at them every time.

See you tomorrow!

  1. Of course, not all it is actually used. Does that make it unneeded? The Haskell numeric typeclasses, though not perfect, still are intended to come as atomic blocks, and I don’t want to have to track individual methods’ use.↩︎