AoC Day 22: Monkey Map

advent of code aoc2022 haskell

In today’s Advent of Code puzzle, “Monkey Map”, we’re going with the old classic of following a map using different topological rules.

This post is literate Haskell, starting with a few imports.

import           Data.Array
import           Data.Char       (isDigit)
import           Data.List       (elemIndex,find,foldl')
import           Data.List.Split (wordsBy)
import           Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import           Data.Maybe      (fromMaybe)
import           Linear

We’re given a map and a line of instructions. Let’s parse them crudely, keeping the map in a 2D array and the instructions in a list.

data Instr =
    Advance Int
  | TurnLeft
  | TurnRight

type Board = Array (V2 Int) Char
type Path = [Instr]

I’m once again not going to detail my parsing so much, it’s pretty much in line with the usual.

parse :: String -> (Board,Path)
parse (lines -> wordsBy null -> [gls,[p]]) = (g,go p)
    g = listArray (V2 1 1,V2 h w) (concatMap widen gls)
    h = length gls
    w = maximum (length <$> gls)
    widen l = l ++ replicate (w - length l) ' '

    go [] = []
    go s | isDigit (head s) =
             let (l,r) = span isDigit s
             in Advance (read l) : go r
    go ('L':s) = TurnLeft : go s
    go ('R':s) = TurnRight : go s

Following the map is a simple matter of interpreting the instructions properly. An advance order moves a step in the current direction and recurses; its terminating condition, an advance order of 0 or bumping in a hash mark on the map, shifts to the next order. Turn orders update the current direction. At end of orders, compute the puzzle checksum, that’s nothing more than a numbering of board (position,direction) pairs.

solve :: Monkey m => m -> Path -> Int
solve m = go (startPos m) (startDir m) where
  free p = readTile m p /= '#'

  go p d [] = let V2 i j = readPos m p in 1000*i + 4*j + readDir m p d
  go p d (Advance 0:is) = go p d is
  go p d (Advance n:is)
    | (p',d') <- advance m p d, free p' = go p' d' (Advance (n-1):is)
    | otherwise = go p d is
  go p d (TurnLeft:is) = go p (turnLeft (p,d)) is
  go p d (TurnRight:is) = go p (turnRight (p,d)) is

I’m going to need to define a few operations for that to pan out.

Let’s start with a “state”, i.e. where we are on the board. From that data we’ll define how to turn left or right, changing the current direction.

class MonkeyState d where
  type MSDir d
  turnLeft,turnRight :: d -> MSDir d

Building on it, we can define our more generic monkey interpretation of the board.1 We’ll define the read-current-tile operation we’ll need to properly move around, the rest of the actual move-around operations, and two helpers to convert back to board coordinates and direction so as to compute the checksum when the path has completed.

class (MonkeyState (Pos m,Dir m),MSDir (Pos m,Dir m) ~ Dir m)
      => Monkey m where
  type Pos m
  type Dir m
  readTile :: m -> Pos m -> Char
  startPos :: m -> Pos m
  startDir :: m -> Dir m
  advance :: m -> Pos m -> Dir m -> (Pos m,Dir m)
  readPos :: m -> Pos m -> V2 Int
  readDir :: m -> Pos m -> Dir m -> Int

Let’s implement them for the simple wraparound board semantics!

The state is a simple pair of position and direction vectors. I don’t actually need to specify the position, as I don’t need it to rotate the direction.

instance MonkeyState (a,V2 Int) where
  type MSDir (a,V2 Int) = V2 Int
  turnLeft = perp . snd
  turnRight = negated . perp . snd

The board topology is simple enough. First, define the two associated types.

instance Monkey Board where
  type Pos Board = V2 Int
  type Dir Board = V2 Int

Reading a tile simply defers to the underlying array.

  readTile = (!)

Start position simply scans for a non-empty space.

  startPos m = fromMaybe (error "No startPos found") $
               find ((/= ' ') . (m !)) (indices m)

Start direction is a mere constant, using the board as a type proxy.

  startDir _ = unit _y

The meat is the advance function, that implements the wraparound semantics.

  advance m = let (V2 1 1,V2 h w) = bounds m in \p d -> 
    let p' = fromMaybe (error "Failed to advance") $
             find ((/= ' ') . (m!))
             [ (mod <$> (p + k*^d - 1) <*> (V2 h w)) + 1
               | k <- [1..max h w] ]
    in (p',d)

Reading “back” the board coordinates doesn’t need to do much.

  readPos _ = id

And reading back the board direction will be implemented with a simple scan.

  readDir m p = fromMaybe (error "dir not found") .
                elemIndex (startDir m) .
                take 4 .
                iterate (turnLeft . (p,))

The astute reader has already noticed this code is much more conservative than I usually do in AoC. What can I say, it’s the end of the month!

part1 :: Board -> Path -> Int
part1 = solve

With part 1 done, we can now get to the painful part of the problem: folding the board to a cube and following that instead.

I’ve already done this fairly recently: this is more or less what had to be done in the CodinGame summer 2019 contest. The obvious way to do it fast, during the contest as well as for AoC, is to simply advance on the board as if it were flat, and implement rotational teleportation when an edge is reached.

As far as AoC goes, this is rather inconvenient, as we then can’t use the same code to solve our puzzle input as we could to solve the in-statement examples. So we have to resort to a more defensive style of coding to avoid too many errors lurking in the code we can’t debug as easily. Painful.

And players could have different shaped maps!

Let’s solve this properly now. Let’s implement the general case. I’ll fold the map around, and wrap it on a cube.

I don’t want to have to shift the faces and implement lifelike 3D coordinates on them, so I’ll simplify and keep a discrete [1..N]3 coordinate system, and adjoin a normal vector to disambiguate the edges.

data CubePos = CubePos
  { _cpVec  :: V3 Int
  ,  cpNorm :: V3 Int
  deriving (Eq,Ord)

The current direction can then be an actual 3D direction vector. Rotation is implemented by cross-product with the normal.

instance MonkeyState (CubePos,V3 Int) where
  type MSDir (CubePos,V3 Int) = V3 Int
  turnLeft (cp,d) = cpNorm cp `cross` d
  turnRight (cp,d) = d `cross` cpNorm cp

The encompasing structure will then hold the cube side2, for each small square on one of the faces a link to the corresponding coordinates on the flat board and a copy of the rotation matrix to convert direction vectors, and the original flat board to read from.

data Cube = Cube
  { cSide  :: !Int
  , cCube  :: !(Map CubePos (V2 Int,M32 Int))
  , cBoard :: !Board

So reading a tile just needs to thread through those two last structures.

instance Monkey Cube where
  type Pos Cube = CubePos
  type Dir Cube = V3 Int
  readTile Cube{cCube,cBoard} p = cBoard ! fst (cCube Map.! p)

We’ll wrap the board to coordinates of our choice, so this time not only the starting direction is a constant, but the starting position as well. Both using the structure as a phantom type proxy argument.

  startPos _ = CubePos (V3 0 0 0) (V3 0 0 1)
  startDir _ = V3 0 1 0

Advancing along the faces is usually as simple as adding the current direction vector. Except when it would bring us over an edge, in which case we rotate current direction and normal. (We don’t really need to perform any complex computations here: both can be expressed as being the other’s former value, possibly negated.3)

  advance Cube{cSide} (CubePos p n) d =
    let p' = p + d in
      if | minimum p' >= 0 && maximum p' < cSide -> (CubePos p' n,d)
         | otherwise -> (CubePos p (negated d),n)

Reading back flatboard coordinates is a bit more involved this time, though barely so as we held along to that information all along.

  readPos Cube{cCube} p = fst (cCube Map.! p)
  readDir Cube{cCube} p d =
    let m = snd (cCube Map.! p)
    in fromMaybe (error "dir not found") .
       elemIndex d .
       map (m !*) .
       take 4 $
       iterate (turnRight . (undefined,)) (V2 0 1)

Ok, so we’re done, right?

Of course not. We still have to actually build such a cube. I’m using a DFS, tracking flat and 3D coordinates simultaneously along with the current basis transformation matrix to establish the matchings all over the surface.

buildCube :: Board -> Cube
buildCube cBoard = Cube{..} where
  cSide | bounds cBoard == (V2 1 1,V2 12 16) = 4
        | otherwise = 50
  p0 = startPos cBoard
  cp0 = CubePos (V3 0 0 0) (V3 0 0 1)
  m0 = V3 (V2 1 0)
          (V2 0 1)
          (V2 0 0)
  cCube = dfs (Map.singleton cp0 (p0,m0)) [(p0,(cp0,m0))]
  dfs !cl [] = cl
  dfs cl ((p,(cp,m)):q) = dfs cl' (q'++q) where
        cl' = foldl' (\cl0 (p',(cp',m')) -> Map.insert cp' (p',m') cl0) cl q'
        q' = filter ((`Map.notMember` cl) . fst . snd) $
             filter ((/= ' ') . (cBoard !) . fst) $
             filter (inRange (bounds cBoard) . fst) $
             map (advance3d cp m p) [V2 0 1,V2 1 0,V2 0 (-1),V2 (-1) 0]

The tricky math is left for that last function, advance3d. It’s a generalization of the advance method in the Monkey class, that doesn’t advance a single direction but instead an entire basis.

Reading guide: bp and bd stand for (flat) board position and direction. cpv and cpn are the CubePos vector and normal.

I’m computing the change using a rotation vector (rx,ry,rz) and a simplification of Rodrigues’ formula.

  advance3d :: CubePos -> M32 Int -> V2 Int -> V2 Int
            -> (V2 Int,(CubePos,M32 Int))
  advance3d (CubePos cpv cpn) m bp bd = (bp',(cp',m')) where
    bp' = bp + bd
    cd = m !* bd
    cpv' = cpv + cd
      | minimum cpv' >= 0 && maximum cpv' < cSide = (CubePos cpv' cpn,m)
      | otherwise = (CubePos cpv (rot !* cpn),rot !*! m) where
          V3 rx ry rz = cd `cross` cpn
          rot = V3 (V3    (abs rx) (negate rz)         ry )
                   (V3         rz     (abs ry) (negate rx))
                   (V3 (negate ry)         rx     (abs rz))

And now we’re all set.

part2 :: Board -> Path -> Int
part2 = solve . buildCube

A little wrapper to solve both parts.

main :: IO ()
main = do
  (board,path) <- parse <$> getContents
  print $ part1 board path
  print $ part2 board path

In a parallel reality where I’m not as rusty on the math, I’d probably have strived not to drag along both source coordinates and transformation matrix in every cube face position. Probably using homogeneous coordinates, possibly getting grumpy at the requirement to use a fractional type and opting for an affine matrix+vector combination instead.

The puzzle author expressing his checksum in terms of source coordinates has a large part in making this painful.

Oh well. It’s done now.

Hope you enjoyed it, see you tomorrow!

  1. There’s quite a bit more associated type families and equivalences than I’d like. Simplifications welcome!↩︎

  2. Another painful difference between sample and puzzle input.↩︎

  3. This is also where you could notice I’m either using left-handed 3D coordinates, an abomination that really ought stay to remain confined in POV-Ray and not spread out any more, ever, or painting the inside of a cube, as opposed to what the puzzle statement implies. (AFAICT it doesn’t actually say, but I’m looking for trouble.)↩︎