The Advent of Code day 3 problem “Mull It Over” is the first of the year to get us to do a bit of simple parsing. Of course, it was quicker to get my stars with two Perl one-liners, but as this series is mostly Haskell-themed I won’t talk too much about that. On the other hand, strongly-typed regex-based parsing isn’t really practical, so the imports will revolve around Megaparsec instead. And they’re first, as this is still literate Haskell.
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.Void (Void)
import Text.Megaparsec (Parsec,(<|>),parseMaybe,try,anySingle,many,some)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char (char,string,digitChar)
type Parser = Parsec Void String
The core of the problem is parsing those mul(X,Y)
tokens. That’s two parsers’ worth of code.
mul :: Parser Int
int,= read <$> some digitChar
int = try $ (*) <$> (string "mul(" *> int <* char ',') <*> int <* char ')' mul
is straightforward; mul
could be worth
a word:
- the gist is
(*) <$> int <*> int
are there to provide the context. Crucial, but readable.- parentheses and the rest of the
operators are mild precedence hacking to ensure the only meaningful arguments to(*)
are the twoint
subparses. try
is there to ensure a partial parse isn’t binding. The input is ostensibly hostile; it’s not just likely there will be occurrences of the string"mul("
that are not to be parsed as a meaningful entry: they’re literally right there staring at you in the face from the problem statement!
Now indeed we are provided with corrupt input, so the essence of the
challenge is to ignore what isn’t parsable. Most of that will be
accomplished with the skipAnd
combinator, which parses its
argument if that works, else skips a character and tries again.
uncorrupt :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
uncorrupt let skipAnd p = p <|> anySingle *> skipAnd p
Of course, all of those skipped character are considered as parsed,
so we’ll need try
again to avert failure.
in (<* many anySingle) . many . try . skipAnd
to ignore garbage before any useful input;
to prevent committing; many
to do so
repeatedly and collect the results.
The remaining (<* many anySingle)
is there to ignore
any remainders, but still consume it all. That’s because we’re going to
be using the parseMaybe
driver, which expects end of input
to be reached else it fails.
We have all we need to package up part 1:
part1 :: String -> Maybe Int
= fmap sum . parseMaybe (uncorrupt mul) part1
In part 2, an additional construct is to be recognized:
suspends interpretation until do()
There are many ways to deal with this. I chose to just parse them as
additional parsable constructs. It works because they can’t be a part of
the single other parsable construct, mul()
dodont :: Parser Bool
dodont True <$ string "do()" <|>
False <$ string "don't()"
Ah, but mul
returns Int
s, and
returns Bool
s. I’ll need to reconcile
them using Left
and Right
part2 :: String -> Maybe Int
part2 fmap (sum . trigger) .
Right <$> mul <|> Left <$> dodont)) parseMaybe (uncorrupt (
The parsing part itself returns a stream of
Either Bool Int
. A little helper will help us convert that
back into a sum of the relevant part of the Int
s by
returning only those after a True
and no False
trigger :: [Either Bool a] -> [a]
= go True where
trigger = \case [] -> []
go p Left p':xs) -> go p' xs
(Right x:xs) -> bool id (x :) p (go p xs) (
Nothing fancy, just accumulate the input while we’re on a
(bool id (x :)
), updating state when
encountering a Left.
One more wrapper to conclude the Haskell:
main :: IO ()
= interact $ show . (part1 &&& part2) main
All good.
Now did I mention I got my stars with Perl one-liners?
Perl rocks at string processing and native regexes, so the general
idea is to just match all of the mul\(\d+,\d+\)
we can see,
and compute from there. Nothing bad can happen, mostly because the
pattern can’t interfere with itself.
In my case, where part 2 made this interesting was twofold:
- how to handle do’s and don’ts. You don’t want to blindly erase
anything in-between, because… matching is greedy by default, so
would ignore everything, while the intent is to perform that innermul
. So use non-greedy matching/don't\(\).*?do\(\)/
- but wait, what happens on this:
So theoretically, you don’t want to simply just ignore what’s between
a don’t/do pair, as that risks creating a mul
that wasn’t
valid to begin with in the original input.
So if you go that route, you replace with anything that can’t
interfere with a mul
Sadly, it doesn’t really matter: it turns out there are no such occurrences in my input.
What a missed opportunity!