On day 4 of Advent of Code, “Ceres Search”, we’ll be implementing a simple word search. A nice safe problem that seems like it has no chance of going superlinear no matter how hard we try.
Let’s start with a few imports, this being literate Haskell as usual.
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Data.Array (Array,listArray,(!),bounds,indices,inRange)
import Linear.V2 (V2(V2))
To warm up, let’s first ingest the grid and instil a trace of structure.
type V = V2 Int
type Grid = Array V Char
parse :: [String] -> Grid
= listArray (V2 1 1,V2 h w) (concat ls) where
parse ls = (length &&& length . head) ls (h,w)
Let’s start the actual solving with a simple helper, to check whether a given character is present at a given position on a given grid, with bounds check.
hasChar :: Grid -> V -> Char -> Bool
= inRange (bounds grid) pos && grid!pos == letter hasChar grid pos letter
We’ll now extend it to check for an entire word, with an additional direction vector to search in.
hasString :: String -> Grid -> V -> V -> Bool
hasString word grid start dir and $ zipWith (hasChar grid) (iterate (+ dir) start) word
We can now count the number of times the string “XMAS” starts on a given position on the grid.
countXmasAt :: Grid -> V -> Int
countXmasAt g src length $ filter (hasString "XMAS" g src) $ V2 <$> [(-1)..1] <*> [(-1)..1]
A little wrapper to sum that over the entire grid, and we’re done with part 1.
solve :: (Grid -> V -> Int) -> Grid -> Int
= sum $ f g <$> indices g solve f g
For part2, a few minor changes:
- the word to match is shorter
- we want two distinct matches in a single position for it to count
- anchor is not the word start
countXMasAt :: Grid -> V -> Int
= fromEnum $ (== 2) $
countXMasAt grid src length $ filter hasXMas diagonals
where hasXMas dir = hasString "MAS" grid (src - dir) dir
= V2 <$> [(-1),1] <*> [(-1),1] diagonals
We’re using fromEnum
to convert the Bool
an Int
, as we’re using our solve
function from
part 1 again to sum those over the grid anyway.
And that’s it!
main :: IO ()
= interact $
main show . (solve countXmasAt &&& solve countXMasAt) . parse . lines
This concludes this day’s simple and easy problem. See you tomorrow!