Most promising Advent of Code title in a long time. And the puzzle behind, “Disk Fragmenter”, is the source of even more fun than the title let through.
On the surface, it’s simple implementation. All of my acquaintances who talked to me about it did the same reasonable thing as me and implemented it quadratically. And the subset of those “who knew” had the same feeling of unease about doing it that way, yearning for the linearithmic way, but not really wanting to spend that much time to get it right.
We’ll get it right [enough] in this post, starting with a few imports to justify all the literate Haskelling.
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Array (Array)
import Data.Array.ST (runSTArray,getBounds,newListArray,writeArray,readArray)
import Data.Char (digitToInt)
import Data.Foldable (toList,foldl')
import Data.Semigroup (Max(Max))
import Data.FingerTree hiding (reverse)
Let’s define a pair of useful types. First a FileId
synonym, mostly to distinguish it from size and index
type FileId = Int
data Chunk = Chunk
chunkWidth :: !Int
{ chunkFile :: !(Maybe FileId)
}deriving Eq
Then a Chunk
, which can represent either a file or empty
space, depending on the Maybe
Our parsing will create those directly from the compressed disk map we’re given, generating file ids along the way.
parse :: String -> [Chunk]
= chunks where
parse str = map digitToInt str
diskMap = go 0 True diskMap where
chunks True (s:ss) = Chunk s (Just i) : go (i+1) False ss
go i False (s:ss) = Chunk s Nothing : go i True ss
go i = [] go _ _ []
For code corectness concerns later on, it’s worth noticing:
- It’s legitimate for there to be a 0-block empty chunk as a separator between two contiguous files.
- It could be legitimate for there to be a 0-block file chunk as a separator between two contiguous empty spans. The problem statement isn’t exactly explicit about that. My puzzle input doesn’t have any, and assuming it doesn’t enables a nice simplification later on1, so I’ll gracefully accept it.
We can now convert that list of chunks into a full-blown list of blocks, each decorated with their empty status or contained file id respectively.
expand :: Foldable f => f Chunk -> [Maybe FileId]
= foldMap expandChunk chunks where
expand chunks Chunk width file) = replicate width file expandChunk (
In part 1, we compact by repeatedly moving the last non-empty block of the disk to the first empty position. Let’s represent the disk as an array.
part1 :: [Maybe FileId] -> Array Int (Maybe FileId)
= runSTArray $ do
part1 disk <- newListArray (0,length disk - 1) disk arr
We could implement by linearly scanning the array to identify the two indices to exchange, but doing this at each iteration would result in a quadratic algorithm, which we originally decided we didn’t want to.
Instead we’ll notice the following: after we swapped two candidate blocks, there can never be an exchange involving a position to the outside of the disk segment they enclose. Why? If there was, that exchange would not have been valid in the first place, as either the left empty space wouldn’t be the leftmost empty space or the right file block wouldn’t be the rightmost file block, since there’d be a more outside pair available afterwards.
We’ll just keep track of the current candidate pair, and advance each cursor in a single direction only until they cross. After they do, we know we’re done, since all points left of the cursors are filled, all points right of the cursors are empty, and they just went past each other, so effectively we only have two segments left on the disk: the left one filled with files and the right one empty.
Which yields a nice linear algorithm.2
let go a b = when (a < b) $ do
<- readArray arr a
cur case cur of
Nothing -> do
<- readArray arr b
cur' case cur' of
Nothing -> go a (b-1)
Just v -> do
Just v)
writeArray arr a (Nothing
writeArray arr b +1) (b-1)
go (aJust _ -> go (a+1) b
We launch it by initializing the cursors with the disk boundaries, and we’re good to go!
>>= uncurry go
getBounds arr pure arr
Input is validated using a simple checksum function.
checksum :: Foldable f => f (Maybe FileId) -> Int
= sum . zipWith f [0..] . toList where
checksum Nothing = 0
f _ Just b) = a * b f a (
Part 2 is where it gets more interesting. Instead of block by block, we’re moving files as a whole. So the question of where to move them (leftmost) is not as easily answered as in part 1: after a move, there’s no saying there will never be a move with a target more to the left: it’s entirely possible we’ll encounter a later file that’s smaller, and can fit in a broader set of cracks, so to speak.
When pressured to get the stars, an iterated linear scan works, as our input is small. But let’s do things right, now.
part2 :: [Chunk] -> FingerTree (Max Int) Chunk
= part2 chunks
We’re representing the disk as a balanced tree, chunks as leaves, annotated with the size of the largest empty chunk per subtree.
We can now process chunks. There’s no win to be had altering the input list, we’ll just process them one by one, and proudly do nothing when we encounter an empty space.
let mbMoveFile acc (Chunk _ Nothing) = acc
As mentioned earlier, we can’t do the dual cursor thing directly in this case, as the target position will jitter. We can keep a cursor in the source space, though. We’ll implement it as a zipper: our accumulator will always be a view on the left subtree where things happen, and the right subtree where all is stable forever.
We peek at the rightmost chunk of the active subtree and check whether it’s the file we’re currently trying to move.
= let ft' :> chunk = viewr ft in
mbMoveFile (ft,rest) file if chunk /= file
then mbMoveFile (ft',chunk <| rest) file
If it isn’t, we move the chunk to the stable forever subtree and retry.
If it is, we split the (rest of the) active subtree on that first big-enough space. This is a logarithmic-time operation.
else let (l,sr) = split (>= Max (chunkWidth chunk)) ft' in
Now it’s entirely possible there isn’t a big enough chunk left. In that case, do nothing and move on, almost the same as previously.3
case viewl sr of
EmptyL -> (ft',chunk <| rest)
If a big enough space is there, first split it from the attached subtree, then insert our file and the rest of the free space into position.
:< r ->
space let space' = Chunk (chunkWidth space - chunkWidth file) Nothing
= l |> file
l' = space' <| r
r' = chunk { chunkFile = Nothing } <| rest
rest' in (l' <> r',rest')
This may be tricky to visualize. Here’s an alternative representation of the whole iteration flow:
( ft ) >< rest
( ( ft' ) |> file ) >< rest
( l >< ( sr ) ) |> file >< rest
l >< ( space <| r ) |> file >< rest
( l |> file ) >< ( space' <| r ) >< ( space'' <| rest )
( l' ) >< ( r' ) >< ( rest' )
Now the iteration step is implemented, we just need to wrap it all up:
- construct the tree (
) - reverse the input list of chunks as a list of files to operate on
- conclude by merging active and passive subtrees back to a single one
in uncurry (<>) $
reverse chunks) foldl' mbMoveFile (fromList chunks,empty) (
And that’s all there is to it. We’re only lacking a bit of support code to implement the largest subtree empty chunk logic,
instance Measured (Max Int) Chunk where
Chunk w Nothing) = Max w
measure (= mempty measure _
…and a main function.
main :: IO ()
= interact $
main show .
. part1 . expand
( checksum &&& checksum . expand . part2
) parse
Implementing the thing properly is so satisfying! See you tomorrow!
Can you spot it?↩︎
Directly in terms of disk size, and indirectly (by a factor of up to 9) in terms of input size.↩︎
Not the same. We’re not retrying. In the first case, we don’t find the next file to match at the cursor position, but we can’t move on, the move has to be attempted for that file. In the second case, the file was found and the move isn’t possible, but it was attempted, and we can stop worrying about that file.↩︎