Movement on a 2D grid! What a surprise! In today’s Advent of Code puzzle, “Warehouse Woes”, we’ll be implementing some variant on a Sokoban theme. This is still literate Haskell; here are a few imports.
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Monad (forM_,foldM_)
import Control.Monad.ST (ST,runST)
import Data.Array.ST (STArray,newListArray,readArray,writeArray,getAssocs)
import Data.List (find)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
The grid we’re given today comes with a border, which allows us a refreshingly simple movement operation eschewing bounds checks.
type Pos = (Int,Int)
advance :: Pos -> Char -> Pos
= \case
advance (i,j) '<' -> (i,j-1)
'>' -> (i,j+1)
'^' -> (i-1,j)
'v' -> (i+1,j)
I’ll keep the parsing operation minimal this time, just separate the grid from the list of moves.
parse :: String -> ([String],String)
= (grid,concat moves) where
parse s = lines s
raw "":moves) = break (== "") raw (grid,
The conversion from list of line strings to actual 2D grid will
exceptionally be monadic: as I’ll be implementing most of the actual
solving in ST
and part 2 will require preprocessing, this
will let me factor code better.
linesToArray :: [String] -> ST s (STArray s Pos Char)
= do
linesToArray grid let h = length grid
= length (head grid)
w 0,0),(h-1,w-1)) (concat grid) newListArray ((
So let’s now solve!
I’ll use the same driver for both parts, parameterized for the two operations that differ. The main idea is:
- preprocess and generate the 2D grid as an
- locate the starting position
- fold on the provided moves
- sum the boxes’ resulting GPS coordinates
The move operation calls push
to recursively provide the
list of positions to shift, empty if the move doesn’t work. It expects
the player’s position shift to come last, so it can pass it on to the
next fold iteration.
solve :: forall p. Day15 p => ([String],String) -> Int
= runST $ do
solve (grid,moves) <- linesToArray (prepare @p grid)
arr <- maybe undefined fst . find ((== '@') . snd) <$> getAssocs arr
start let move pos dir = push @p arr pos dir >>= \case
-> pure pos
[] -> do
shifts $ \(p,p') -> do
forM_ shifts =<< readArray arr p
writeArray arr p' '.'
writeArray arr p pure (snd (last shifts))
foldM_ move start movessum . map gps <$> getAssocs arr
Now the part-specific details. We have two operations.
class Day15 p where
prepare :: [String] -> [String]
push :: STArray s Pos Char -> Pos -> Char -> ST s [(Pos,Pos)]
Part 1 works on the raw grid, so preprocessing is a no-op.
data Part1
instance Day15 Part1 where
= id prepare
Pushing works by recursively checking forward if the target location is clear. A wall interrupts recursion with failure; a clear spot ends recursion with success; a further box continues recursion.
= go [] where
push arr = do
go acc pos dir let pos' = advance pos dir
= (pos,pos') : acc
acc' >>= \case
readArray arr pos' '#' -> pure []
'.' -> pure acc'
'O' -> go acc' pos' dir
In part 2, the grid is expanded horizontally.
data Part2
instance Day15 Part2 where
= map . concatMap $ \case
prepare '#' -> "##"
'O' -> "[]"
'.' -> ".."
'@' -> "@."
What influence does this have on the push operation? There’s the following:
- The box is now two characters, who have to succeed their shift concurrently for the entire move to be possible.
- We can’t get away with simple direct recursion: a same box could now be reached by multiple different paths, and we can’t have the shift operation be returned multiple times, or we’d end up collapsing and losing boxes.
I’ll implement a variation on BFS, where visiting a box half enqueues the natural target location, but also prepends the other box half to the queue, thus achieving the forking behavior specific to today.
Let’s see this part by part.
The interface is the same: take as parameters the array, starting position and direction to attempt the push. We initiate the search with an empty closed set and a single node in the queue: the current position. Note the closed set also functions as accumulator to return the list of shifts, so it consists in two parts: the list to preserve ordering, and a set for fast lookup.
= go ([],Set.empty) [pos0] where push arr pos0 dir
Reaching the end of the queue is a success condition.
= pure shifts go (shifts,_) []
We dequeue position by position, skipping those already visited.
go (shifts,set) (pos| pos `Set.member` set = go (shifts,set) q
For new visits, we first compute the target location.
| otherwise = do
let pos' = advance pos dir
For convenience, we factor the computation of the new closed set and queue before knowing whether we’ll be needing them. Haskell is mostly lazy1, this is free.
let cl' = ((pos,pos'):shifts,Set.insert pos set)
<- readArray arr pos >>= pure . \case
q' | dir `elem` "<>" -> q
_ '@' -> q
'[' -> (i,j+1) : q
']' -> (i,j-1) : q
The new queue is where we prepend the other half of the box, but only if pushing it vertically.
And now the recursion cases. They’re almost the same as for part 1, the differences are merely in accounting for the two possible characters for half-boxes, and not ending recursion on empty space: empty space merely validates the current chain, but the other chains have to be checked too, they’re waiting in the queue.
>>= \case
readArray arr pos' '#' -> pure []
'.' -> go cl' q'
'[' -> go cl' (q' ++ [pos'])
']' -> go cl' (q' ++ [pos'])
And that’s the meat of it.
Here’s the GPS coordinate computing support code.
gps :: (Pos,Char) -> Int
'O') = 100*i + j
gps ((i,j),'[') = 100*i + j
gps ((i,j),= 0 gps _
And here’s a main
main :: IO ()
= interact $ show . (solve @Part1 &&& solve @Part2) . parse main
This concludes today’s puzzle. See you tomorrow!
The new closed set is fully lazy. The new queue is sequenced through
after thereadArray
operation, that cost is incurred no matter what at the Haskell level. It does have a chance to be skipped at a lower level, but it’s not significant enough to go and check.↩︎