AoC Day 19: Linen Layout

advent of code aoc2024 haskell perl

Refreshingly, no 2D grid today. For Advent of Code’s 19th day, the “Linen Layout” puzzle asks us to to arrange complex stripe patterns from smaller pieces. This is literate Haskell, introduced by an import block.

import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Control.Monad.ST (ST,runST)
import Data.Array.ST (STArray,newArray,readArray,writeArray)
import Data.List (tails)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)

Parsing is rather simple: we have the smaller pieces comma-separated on the first line; then come the target designs.

parse :: String -> ([String],[String])
parse s = (patterns,towels) where
  (rawPatterns:_:towels) = lines s
  patterns = words (filter (/= ',') rawPatterns)

Part 1 asks us which designs are achievable using the source material.

This is exactly the kind of thing regular expressions are for. So this is exactly the kind of task I don’t run to Haskell for, reaching out for Perl instead.

my @patterns = split /, /, <>;
say 0+ grep /^(@{[join '|', @patterns]})+$/o, <>;

Line 1 parses the comma-separated patterns; line 2 counts the number of remaining lines that match the following regex:

In part 2, we’re asked for the number of ways to achieve the arrangements. To the best of my knowledge., this is not something the common regex engines easily spit out.

So let’s use DP instead.

The main problem is: how many ways can the patterns be arranged to result in the given design?

It can be split into the following subproblem: how many ways can the patterns be arranged to result in any given prefix of the given design?

This can be solved recursively:

Since the dependency only goes towards shorter prefixes, we can simplify and proceed forward only by shifting the summing operation to the operation of the shorter prefix:

This translates directly to Haskell:

part2 :: ([String],[String]) -> [Int]
part2 (patterns,towels) = map dp towels where
  dp towel = runST $ do
    let l = length towel
    a <- newArray (0,l) 0 :: ST s (STArray s Int Int)
    writeArray a 0 1
    forM_ (zip [0..] (tails towel)) $ \(i,suffix) -> do
      cur <- readArray a i
      forM_ (mapMaybe (match suffix) patterns) $ \l' -> do
        let i' = i + l'
        prev <- readArray a i'
        writeArray a i' (prev + cur)
    readArray a l

…with a little helper to compute isPrefixOf and length simultaneously:

match :: String -> String -> Maybe Int
match = go 0 where
  go i (s:string) (p:prefix)
    | s == p = go (i+1) string prefix
    | otherwise = Nothing
  go i _ [] = Just i
  go _ _ _ = Nothing

This computes the solution in a time proportional to the size of the patterns times the size of the designs, which is a lot better than naïve tree traversal.2

While we’re here, let’s implement part 1 in Haskell too, as a special case of part 2.

part1 :: ([String],[String]) -> Int
part1 = length . filter (> 0) . part2

And a little wrapper to bind it all.

main :: IO ()
main = interact $ show . (part1 &&& sum . part2) . parse

This concludes today’s solution. See you tomorrow!

  1. The one-or-more hack allows me to skip special-casing the separation line between patterns and designs. I’m a golfer at heart.↩︎

  2. On particularly adversarial inputs, you’d want to match all patterns more concurrently at a given point, e.g. using a trie, so the total complexity would depend on the length of the largest pattern instead of their combined sum of lengths.↩︎